
Dr. Matthias Streller

Head DeltaX School Lab
Phone: +49 351 260 3496

Nadja Gneist

Schülerlabor DeltaX
Phone: +49 351 260 2272

Foto: Logo Schülerlabor DeltaX am HZDR ©Copyright: HZDR

The DeltaX Student Laboratory at the HZDR makes sciences and research an experience for students. Therefore, it provides exciting experiments, independ lab work and a state-of-the-art multifunctional lab. As part of an international research centre, we offer a unique and authentic learning environment that invites students to discover, marvel and understand. With on-site programs as well as innovative online formats, we target children and young people during school and leisure time as well as teachers.With on-site programs as well as innovative online formats, we target children and young people during school and leisure time as well as teachers.


Foto: Schulklasse im Schülerlabor DeltaX zum Versuchstag Chemie der Elemente (November 2018) ©Copyright: HZDR

Offers for school classes

On our experimentation days, classes and courses will spend a whole day experimenting (physics, chemistry or biology). We want to enrich your teaching with our offer and provide an open atmosphere that allows students to experience themselves as "researchers" and to reduce their fear of science.
Foto: Schüler während des DeltaX-Sommerkurs ©Copyright: HZDR

Offers for students

You are interested in science and research? Then DeltaX is the right place for you! Experience exciting programs and projects during school and vacation time.
Foto: LehrerInfoTag 2018 im (neuen) Schülerlabor DeltaX ©Copyright: HZDR

Offers for teachers

Teachers can take part in further training courses, workshops, guided tours and ­information days at DeltaX. In addition to program-specific content, you will gain insights into current research topics at the HZDR.
Foto: DeltaX Anmeldung ©Copyright: HZDR


Here you can regis­ter for experimental days or events for students and teachers.

Promoting young talents at the HZDR

School and university students are always very welcome at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. In addition to career orientation and internships, we offer guided tours for students. With a variety of apprenticeship trades and two degree courses, HZDR ensures a qualified new generation of employees. Students benefit from first-class conditions for Bachelor, Master and Diploma theses at the eight institutes of the HZDR. Under the motto "Kids with brains", we are already targeting the youngest and are making exciting experiments possible in Hutbergstrolche day care centre.