Multi-Phase Flows
Simulation, Experiment and Application
08 - 10 June 2011
Dresden, Germany
The conference will be organised again by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and ANSYS Germany (CFX). The workshop is supported by the Alliance for Competence in Nuclear Technology Germany.
Multiphase flows are of great interest to a large variety of industries. The power generation, nuclear reactor technology, food production, chemical process, aerospace and automotive industries are all driving forces in this complex field.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together experimental and numerical practitioners, and to foster discussion and exchange of knowledge.
Experts from both areas are called upon to present their research and application results to a worldwide audience. Topics of interest include:
- Simulation technology for multiphase flows
- Phase interaction models
- Turbulence models
- Solution algorithms
- Application of simulation methods to multiphase flow problems
- Experimental investigations of multiphase and magnetohydrodynamic flows
- Measurement methods for multiphase and magneto-hydrodynamic flows
- Simulation and modeling of magneto-hydrodynamic flows
Papers are welcome either as text or as presentation slides. A short abstract is required by April 15, 2011. The participants will receive the Workshop proceedings on a CD-ROM by mail after the event.
Keynote lectures:
Prof. H.-M. Prasser, Dept. Nuclear Engergy Systems, ETH Zürich, CH:
"Experimental and theoretical tools for the optimization of light water reactor fuel elements"
Prof. B. Azzopardi, Dept. Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Nottingham, UK:
"Gas/liquid and gas/solids flows - what modern
instrumentation can reveal"
Short Course
The short course is designed to provide knowledge on the use of numerical and experimental methods for multiphase flows.
The participants will receive an overview of the possibilities and limits of modern experimental methods and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Valuable information an the applicability of CFD for your tasks will be provided.
The short course will address the interests of engineers, chemists, physicists and technicians active in research and design, who want to be informed on modern design methods and tools for multiphase flows.
Lecture topics:
- Mathematical Models for Multiphase Flows
- Eulerian Multiphase Flow: Phase Interaction Models
- Lagrangian Two-Phase Flow Models
- Interfacial Heat & Mass Transfer Models
- Measurement Techniques and Experimental Investigations for Bubbly Flows
- Practical Calculations of Bubbly Flows
- Dr. Georg Scheuerer, ANSYS Germany
- PD Dr. habil. Thomas Frank, ANSYS Germany
- Dr. Eckhard Krepper, HZ Dresden-Rossendorf
- Dr. habil. Uwe Hampel, HZ Dresden-Rossendorf
Important dates:
Workshop has finished
Conference Information
The conference language will be English.
Conference Location:
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf(HZDR)