International Workshop: “THz dynamics in carbon based nanostructures”
March 5 - 7, 2012 at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Organizers: Manfred Helm and Stephan Winnerl (HZDR), Tobias Hertel (Univ. Würzburg), Rupert Huber (Univ. Regensburg), Masayoshi Tonouchi (Univ. Osaka)
The aim of the workshop is twofold:
(1) Bring together researchers working in the field of THz spectroscopy and carbon based nanostructures (i.e. nanotubes & graphene).
(2) Bring together researchers from Japan and Germany, including PhD students.
It will consist of mostly invited talks (30 min) plus a poster session, where the students should present their work.
While THz spectroscopy of carbon nanostructures is in the focus, it is also planned to have some talks related to only one of the two subjects (i.e. other aspects of CNT/graphene science, and THz spectroscopy of other materials).
This workshop is funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) to initiate and intensify bilateral cooperation between Japan and Germany.
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