Part-Time Scientists: HZDR’s First Summer Student Program Launched
News published on November 13 2011
Starting next year, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) will provide natural science students the opportunity of working and researching as junior scientists for an entire summer. What’s so special about this? They’ll be working on a research project that’s designed just for them – under the supervision of young HZDR scientists – and they’ll even get a salary plus free accommodation in addition to very intense mentoring.
Student applicants need to have completed their undergraduate studies (pre-diploma Vordiplom or bachelor’s degree) and have a letter of recommendation written on their behalf by a scientist. Ten summer students will be selected from the applicants.
“We look forward to receiving many applications from Germany and abroad. The HZDR provides young researchers with a multifaceted, exciting, and stimulating scientific environment. We’re sure that the summer students and scientists at the HZDR will both benefit from this program,” note Dr. Michael Bussmann and Dr. Kay Potzger, the program initiators. The students can already select a specific HZDR research sector when they submit their application; the choices include Health, Matter, Energy, and Technology.
And HZDR scientists have to apply as well: So that they’re assigned a summer student. “To assure that the students get optimal support and sophisticated projects, their mentors will also be selected with great care by a special committee,” explains Kay Potzger.
Young scientists at the HZDR and students may register as of today at:
For additional information, please contact:
Ms. Annette Weißig
International Office
Program Planning and International Projects
Phone: +49 351 260 - 2343