nELBE elog (up to January 2012)
The nELBE Online Logbook is of the PSI ELOG Type. The software is installed at the server adam2 in the directory "/gfs/home/ntofdaq/elog/elog-2.5.8" and has to be started from there as a daemon. To do this, perform the following steps:
1. | login to adam2 | ssh -X ntofdaq@adam2 password: ********* |
2. | change to tcsh shell | tcsh |
3. | start the logbook daemon | elogd -p 8090 -c ~/elog/elog-2.5.8/elogd.cfg -D |
The daemon should now be running. To check this type "ps -u ntofdaq". There should be an entry "elogd".
To open the logbook you have to connect to port 8090 of adam2 using a web browser of your choice and opening the address: Now you can login as ntofdaq using the usal password. (Note: Sometimes you have to type the login information twice.)
A detailed user's guide can be found at the PSI ELOG Home Page.