CNTtrack: "Transport of technical carbon nanoparticles in geomatrices"

Carbon NanoparticlesCarbon nanoparticles (CNPs) like fullerenes and especially carbon nanotubes (CNTs) show many intriguing physical properties which make them predestined for application in various fields like medicine, consumer electronics and improved composite materials. They now start entering the world outside research laboratories mainly as fillers in composite materials.

A critical assessment of their fate and mobility in the geosphere is the goal of this project. In order to achieve this goal the interaction of CNPs with the geosphere and natural organic matter (NOM) will be investigated under static (batch experiments) and dynamic (column experiments) conditions using radiolabelled CNPs. As such they can be traced even in the low concentrations environmentally relevant.

The research program consists of three principle steps:

  • Modification of CNPs:

                Oxidation of CNPs simulates natural oxidation processes and increases CNP-solubility


  • Radiolabelling of CNPs:

                Introduction of a radiotracer by for example iodination

CNT- Radiomarkierung

  • Interaction and transport studies:

                Analysis of interactions of CNPs with NOM and geomatrix

                Transport experiments in column flow-through experiments

                Numerical simulation of the transport experiments


  • Poster Qnano Conference, Prague, 2013
  • Poster NanoNature Cluster Meeting, Frankfurt, 2013
  • Talk Cycleur Meeting, Ispra, 2012
  • Talk Nanosafe, Grenoble, 2012
  • Poster Nanosafe, Grenoble, 2012
  • Poster internal Evaluation, Dresden, 2012
  • Poster Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft, Leipzig, 2012
  • Poster NanoNature Cluster Meeting, Frankfurt, 2012



  • Karsten Franke (project supervisor)
  • Stefan Schymura

Related Projects:

  • Nanotrack: "Investigation of the life cycle of nanoparticles be means of [45Ti]TiO2 and [105Ag]Ag0
  • Qnano-Projects: "Radiolabelling of TiO2 and Ag nanoparticles and multi-wall carbon nanotubes using cyclotron techniques"

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