
PD Dr. Peter Zahn

Phone: +49 351 260 3121

Prof. Dr. Artur Erbe

Phone: +49 351 260 2366

Deputy spokesperson
Prof. Dr. Gianaurelio Cuniberti

Phone: +49 351 463 31414

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The next NanoNet+ Annual Workshop will take place in Schöneck in September 2025.
Topic, date and agenda will be announced soon .

The new SFB-Transregio 404 “Next Generation Electronics With Active Devices in Three Dimensions [Active-3D]” was granted by DFG (spokesperson Thomas Mikolajick). Web-site, Pressemitteilung TUD .

Ahmad Echresh defended his PhD thesis at TU Dresden, Faculty of Physics - Congratulations!

Helmholtz funding of NanoNet expired, but the network will continously promote collaboration and exchange of ideas.
Thanks to all members and partners.
Stay in contact!


NanoNet+11 Workshop 2024, Plauen

DPG Spring Meeting 2025 , Section Condensed Matter, Regensburg, DE

Logo Science Calendar

Dresden Nano Seminar (TUD)

Ascent+ European Nanoelectronics Network

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HZDR International Office
Welcome Guide HZDR

List of medical doctors speaking English

First steps in Dresden (info@MPI-CBG)

Liability Insurance: Why? Costs?

Support hotline "Violence against women" (GE/EN/FR/RU/Persian/Arabian/...)

Communication help in critical situationsLogo Helpline-Dresden


IHRS NanoNet was funded by Initiative and Networking Fund of Helmholtz Association (VH-KO-606) until Dec 2020.

The Consortium

Logo: Marke HZDR des Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

Materials research, cancer research and energy research – these are the research areas of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). As member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers, the HZDR is addressing the challenges of modern industrial societies. Research is performed in eight scientific institutes closely cooperating within the Helmholtz Association as well as with other research institutes, universities, and industry from around the world. The HZDR has four locations in Dresden, Leipzig, Freiberg, and Grenoble and hosts about 1500 people – approx. 600 of whom are scientists including about 300 doctoral researchers. Further information can be found here.

The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research conducts materials research for future applications, as for example in information technology and for energy conversion. More information can be found here.

The Institute of Resource Ecology performs research to protect humans and the environment from hazards caused by technical processes like energy production and usage of raw materials. More information can be found here.

TUD Logo

The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is characterized by a long tradition of academic excellence, being among the top universities in Germany and Europe. The TUD is composed by 14 departments and offers first-rate programmes with an overwhelming diversity. The TU Dresden has about 36.500 students and more than 5.300 publicly funded staff members (of which 510 are professors). Further information can be found here.

The Faculty of Science at TUD is a multidisciplinary institution comprising the five departments of Biology, Chemistry and food chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Psychology. Each department represents an important basic scientific discipline with its own lines of developments, trends, requirements and tasks, both in knowledge oriented and applied research. More information can be found here.

The Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering covers five major educational and research topics: Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Mechatronics, Regenerative Energy Systems and Process Engineering and Natural Materials Technology. More information can be found here.

The research and education at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering cover a broad scientific scope with main focus on 1) Automation, measurement & control, 2) Communications engineering, 3) Electrical power engineering, 4) Information electronics, and 5) Micro-opto-nano electronics. More information can be found here.

Leibniz IPF Logo

The Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e. V. (IPF) is a member of the Leibniz Association and one of the largest polymer research facilities in Germany. It is committed to application-oriented fundamental research following a holistic approach that ranges from synthesis and modification of polymer materials, their characterization and theoretical understanding, to processing and testing. In interdisciplinary cooperation scientists and engineers address materials problems and needs essential for innovations in, e.g., for communication technology, medicine, mobility, and new concepts for energy efficiency. The institute receives its basic funding in equal parts from the federal and state governments and employs more than 480 people. Further information can be found  here.

NaMLab Logo

The Nanoelectronics Materials Laboratory gGmbH (NaMLab) is a research organization and associated institute of the TUD. NaMLab provides industry oriented and basic research in materials science for electronic devices. It concentrates on new and promising nano-electronic materials for tomorrow’s semiconductor and energy applications. Further information can be found here.

Fraunhofer IKTS Logo

The Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS covers the complete field of advanced ceramics, from basic research to applications. Our services include the development and application of modern advanced ceramic materials, the development of industrial powder metallurgical technologies, and the manufacturing of prototypical components. Structural ceramics, functional ceramics and cermets are the main focus with emphasis on innovative complex systems which are applied in many industry sectors. The Branch Materials Diagnostics IKTS-MD of the institute offers services and research cooperations for the diagnosis of materials as well as components, structural health monitoring, nanoanalysis and sensorics as well as biotechnological and environmental techniques. More information can be found  here.