High-Energy Ion Accelerators

The IBC operates three high-energy electrostatic accelerators with about 15 endstations for experiments dedicated to ion beam modification and analysis as well as for any experiments with ion beams.

6 MV Tandetron

Der Beschleuniger im Ionenstrahlzentrum Manufacturer: High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. (HVEE)
Type: Tandem, high-voltage cascade (Dynamitron)
Terminal voltage: 0.3 - 6 MV
Ion sources:

Duoplasmatron Model 358 with Li charge exchange channel

Cs sputter source Model 860C

2 AMS Cs sputter sources SO-110

TORVIS (NEC) He ion source with Rb charge exchange channel
Duoplasmatron EKTON

Energy range: about 0.6 - 50 MeV
(depending on available ion charge states and mass)
Ion currents: 0.001 - 100 µA (depending on chem. element)
Endstations: 9

High-energy ion implantation / irradiation
(for research and industry)

Ion beam analysis (IBA): RBS, ERDA, NRA, PIXE/PIGE

External light element beams

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)

Experiments for nuclear physics and astrophysics

3 MV Tandetron 

3 MV Tandetron Manufacturer: High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. (HVEE)
Type: Tandem, High-voltage cascade (Dynamitron)
Terminal voltage: 0.15 - 3 MV
Ion sources:

Duoplasmatron Model 358
with Li charge exchange channel

Cs sputter source Model 860C

TORVIS (NEC) He ion source
with Rb charge exchange channel

Energy range: about 0.3 - 20 MeV
(depending on available ion charge states)
Ion currents: 0.001 - 100 µA (depending on chem. element)
Endstations: 5

High-energy ion implantation / irradiation

(for research and industry)

Imaging ion beam analysis (IBA) with µ-beam 

Experiments for nuclear physics and astrophysics

2 MV Van-de-Graaff

van-de-Graaf Manufacturer: Transformatoren- und Röntgenwerk Dresden
Type: Van-de-Graaff type generator with a belt
Terminal voltage: 0.4 - 1.8 MV
Ion sources: RF ion source for H, He
Energy range: 0.4 - 1.8 MeV 
Ion currents: 1 - 20 nA
Endstations: 2
Applications: Ion beam analysis (IBA)
of solids and in gases / liquids in a liquid cell