Instructions for interpretation of the beamtime schedule
Beamtimes at ELBE are scheduled for periods of 6 months, corresponding to the first and the second half of a year respectively.
Each term is subdevided in two runs which are separated by a machine shutdown for maintenance and upgrades of three weeks.
ELBE is operated on a 24 hours a day and 7 days a week basis. A day is split into two user shifts.
day shift: 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
night shift: 6 p.m. - 6 a.m.
Project numbers
Project numbers have the following form:YYSZZZZZ.
The first two digits are indicating the year (e.g. YY=25 means year 2025), the third digit specifies the semester (S=1 or S=2) and ZZZZZ is a running number assigend to the proposal.
Typically this is a number between 1 and a few hundreds and it is this number by which the projects are identified in the beamtime schedule.
Besides being layed down in your personal proposal list in GATE, the project number is mentioned also in the allocation note.
The actual beamtime schedule is available following this link: ELBE beamtimes