Business Card Sandra Birtel
Responsible for
- Collaboration with Southamerica and Nordic Countries
- Project coordination focus ‘Geometallurgy’
- EIT RawMaterials (HIF depute in CLC East)
- Library issues of HIF
Research interests
- Geometallurgy
- Economic Geology
- Fluid rock interaction
- Microstructure and microtexture of metamorphic rocks
- Stable isotope geochemistry
Analytical skills
- Optical microscopy
- Scanning Electron Microscope including MLA (Mineral liberation analyzer), EBSD (Electron backscattered diffraction technique), Electron microprobe
- Ion microprobe
Blannin, R.; Frenzel, M.;Tuşa, L; Birtel,S.; Ivăşcanu,P.; Baker,T.; Gutzmer,J. (2021) Uncertainties in quantitative mineralogical studies using scanning electron microscope-based image analysis, Minerals Engineering, Volume 167, 106836,
ISSN 0892-6875,
Birtel, S.; Bachman, K.; Büttner, P.;Tolosna Delgado, R.; van den Boogaart, K.G; Gutzmer, J. (2019) ‘From Exploration towards Predictive Geometallurgy - The Role of SEM-based Automated Mineralogy and Statistical Assessment, 15th SGA biennial Meeting in Glasgow, UK, 27.-30.08.2019, Proceedings to 15th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, 1474-1477
Blannin, R.; Tusa, L.; Birtel, S.; Gutzmer, J. (2019) Metal Deportment and Ore Variability of the Bolcana Porphyry Cu–Au System (Apuseni Mts, Romania) – Implications for Ore Processing, 15th SGA biennial Meeting in Glasgow, UK, 27.-30.08.2019, Proceedings to 15th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
Pereira, L.; Birtel, S.; Möckel, R.; Michaux, B.; Silva, A. C.; Gutzmer, J. (2019) Constraining the economic potential of by-product recovery by using a geometallurgical approach: the example of rare earth element recovery at Catalão I, Brazil, Economic Geology, doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4637; 14 p.
Birtel, S.; Pereira, L.; Silva, A. C.; Gutzmer, J. (2018) REE by-product potential at Catalão I: a geometallurgical assessment, Resources for Future Generations PREMIER CONFERENCE ON ENERGY • MINERALS • WATER • THE EARTH, 16.-21.06.2018, Vancouver, Kanada
Höfig, T. W.; Krause, J.; Kern, M.; Birtel, S.; Gutzmer, J. (2016) Phosphate mineralization in the Vergenoeg fluorite deposit (RSA) and its implication for the origin of REE-bearing fluid alteration International Geological Congress, 27.08.-04.09.2016, Cape Town, South African, Proceedings of the International Geological Congress, Washington: American Geoscience Institute
Birtel, S.; Kern, M.; Heinig, T.; Gutzmer, J. (2016) The role of automated mineralogy in geometallurgy: two case studies, 3rd international Seminar on geometallurgy, Editors: Regina Baumgartner, Adam Johnston, 11.-13.12.2016, Lima, Peru, GEOMET 2016, 3rd International Seminar on Geometallurgy, Santiago, Chile: Gecamin, 978-956-9393-68-6, 58-59
Birtel, S.; Kern, M.; Höfig, T.; Krause, J.; Gutzmer, J. (2015) Geometallurgical assessment: beneficiation of rare earth minerals as a possible by-product from the Vergenoeg Fluorite Mine, South Africa, 13th SGA biennial Meeting in Nancy, France, 24.-27.08.2015, Nancy, France, Proceedings of the 13th SGA biennial Meeting, Vol 4, Nancy, 1383-1386
Aupers, K.; Niiranen, K.; Birtel, S.; Höfig, T. W.; Krause, J.; Gutzmer, J. (2014) Gangue mineralogy and deportment of titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) in the Kiirunavaara iron ore deposit, Northern Sweden, 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, 21.-24.09.2014, Jena, Germany, Minerals at Focal Point, 115
Birtel, S.; Kern, M.; Höfig, Tobias W.; Krause, J.; Gutzmer, J. (2014) Resource potential of REE as by-product of an existing mining operation – A geometallurgical assessment, 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, 21.-24.09.2014, Jena, Germany, Minerals at Focal Point, 126
Birtel, S. Tolosana Delgado, R., Matos Camacho, S., Gutzmer, J. and van den Boogaart K.G.(2013) Towards a statistical treatment of images acquired by automated mineralogy, in: Mathematics of Planet Earth, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (in Madrid), Pardo- Igúzquiza, E. Guardiola-Albert, C, Heredia, J., Moreno-Merino, L., Durán, J.J. Vargas-Guzmán, J.A. (eds) p. 45-48, Springer, 861 p, ISBN 978-3-542-32407-9
Birtel, S., Wunderlich, I, Gutzmer, J. (2013) Tracking ore mineral characteristics from mine to concentrate: the fate of electrum at the Cavanacaw gold deposit, Northern Ireland. 12 biennnial meeting SGA in Upsalla, Sweden, August 12-14th 2013
Gutzmer,J., Birtel, S., Frenzel, M. (2013) The role of geoscientists in securing the future supply of high technology minerals and metals. 12 biennial meeting SGA in Upsalla, Sweden, August 12-14th 2013
Birtel, S., Wunderlich, I., Gutzmer J. (2012) From ore to concentrate- a systematic geometallurgical study on the Cavanacaw Au deposit, Northern Ireland, Conference in Minerals Engineering, Konferens I, Mineralteknik, 7-8 February 2012, Luleå, Sweden reprints p 41-49
Birtel, S., Sandmann, D., Gutzmer, J. (2011) Geometallurgy: From ore to concentrate – a pilot study on the hydrothermal Au deposit at Cavanacaw, Northern Ireland, 11 bienanniel meeting SGA in Antofagasta, Chile, September 26-29 2011. Mineralium Deposita,
Gutzmer,J., Birtel, S., Schulz, B., van den Boogaart, G., and Popov, O. (2010)
Geometallurgy- towards sustainable utilisation of mineral resources, SEG conference October 2010 in Keystone, Colorado, USA, abstract volume
Birtel, S., and Gutzmer, J. (2010) Geometallurgie – zur nachhaltigen Nutzung von Ressource, Tagung für Aufbereitung und Recycling UVR-FIA conference abstract volume, p. 24,
Birtel, S. and Stöckhert, B. (2008) Quartz veins record earthquake-related brittle failure and short term ductile flow in the deep crust, Tectonophysics, 457, p 53-63, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.05018
Birtel, S. and Stöckhert, B. (2008) Rapid Shear Zones – Unspecific Microstructures
AGU fall meeting, paper number T51A-1859
Birtel, S. and Stöckhert, B. (2007) Earthquake related brittle failure and short term ductile flow in the deep crust at 500°C – the record of quartz veins, in : " Rendiconti della Società Geologica Italiana, 16th Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics ", Vol V- Nuovo Serie, p.36
Birtel, S. and Stöckhert, B. (2007) Brittle failure and short-term ductile deformation at 500°C – the record of quartz veins beneath an exhumed low-angle normal fault, EGU 07 in Vienna, abstract Vol 9 EGU-A-05223
Birtel, S. and Stöckhert, B. (2006) Vein Pattern Record Earthquake-related Brittle and Ductile Deformation at Temperatures of 500°C in the Footwall of a Low Angle Normal Fault, AGU fall meeting, AGU-10559692
Birtel S., and Deloule, E. (2006) Significance of H and O isotopes inhomogeneities on microscale in UHP rocks from the Dabie mountains, China, for fluid exchanges during the subduction-exhumation cycle, EGU 06 in Vienna, abstract Vol 8 EGU06-A-02804
Birtel, S. and Deloule, E. (2005) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope inhomogeneities, an insitu study on eclogites from Dabie Shan, China, Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges 150, abstract volume 7th international eclogite conference, ed: A. Proyer and K. Ettinger, p. 19.
Birtel, S., and Deloule, E. (2004) Implication for deep subduction of Lithium from Dabie mountains, China. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol 16, 2004, editor R. Altherr, p. 16
Birtel, S., and Deloule, E. (2004) An O and Li isotope study on fluid rock interaction on UHP rocks from Dabie Shan, China, Supplement to Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta abstracts on the 13th annual Goldschmidt conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, abstract 1.2.14, p. A43
Duchêne, S; Luais, B. and Birtel, S. (2004) REE heterogeneities in ultra-high-pressure (UHP) garnets, 32nd IGC in Florence, Vol. 32, Part 1, pp.314 Vol. 32, Part 1, pp.314
Birtel, S. and Müller-Sigmund, H. (2001) Matrix-vein relationships as an effect of fluid rock interaction in alpine type ultramafic rocks in the Norwegian Caledonides, 79. Jahrestagung der DMG in Potsdam, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy Vol. 13, No.1, p. 24
Birtel, S.; Müller-Sigmund, H. and Bucher, K. (2000) Fluid rock interaction in alpine-type ultramafic bodies from the Upper and Uppermost Allochthonous of the Norwegian Caledonides, 8th TSK symposium Oct. 2000 in Freiburg, Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener Stiftung 2000/5, p. 9
Birtel, S.; Müller-Sigmund, H. and Bucher, K. (2000) Fluid rock interaction on ultramafic rocks from the Norwegian Caledonides, 78. Jahrestagung der DMG in Heidelberg, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy Vol 12, 2000, No.1, 2000, p. 15
Birtel, S.; Altenberger, U. and Passchier, C.W. (1999) Polyphase structural and metamorphic evolution of the Rossland shear zone at Holsnøy island, a ductile nappe boundary in the Middle Allochthonous of the Norwegian Caledonides, Zbl Geol. Paläont. Mitteilungen, Heft 1-2, p 19-44
Schmid, R.; Altenberger, U.; Birtel, S.; Bianchi, G.W. and Oberhänsli, R. (1999) How to make Gneisses?- Post HP-evolution of Granulites and Eclogites from the Bergen Arcs, SW-Norway; Abstract-Volume Metam. Studies Group Meeting 1999. Exhumation of Metamorphic Terranes; Rennes (France). p. 67.
Birtel, S.; Altenberger, U. and Passchier, C.W. (1998) Multiple deformation and metamorphism of a retrograde ductile shear zone on Holsnøy, Norwegian Caledonides. 7th TSK. Symposium in March 1998 in Freiberg, Freiberger Forschungshefte C471, p. 36-37
Birtel, S. and Altenberger, U. (1997) Structures and petrology of a retrograde ductile shear zone on Holsnøy, Norwegian Caledonides, “Deformation mechanics in nature and experiment” Symposium in Basel, p 6; and EUG in Strasbourg, Terra Nova, Volume 9, 1997, p. 332
Altenberger, U.; Kühn, A. and Birtel, S. (1996) The formation and reactivation of retrograde shear zones in the lower crustal rocks of Holsnøy, Norwegian Caledonides, 6 th TSK Symposium in April 1996 in Salzburg, Erweiterte Kurzfassungen, Facultas - Universitätsverlag, p. 7-9