THz-Lab - General Information
- The THz-Lab (room number 212) is located in building 540/542 on the second floor on the roof of room 111b. Both THz sources run with the ELBE electron beam in room 111b (radiation safety room), which is shielded with concrete. The THz radiation reaches the THz-lab located above via two optical beamlines. The photon and neutron radiation produced in room 111b is shielded by the 1.60 meter thick concrete roof between room 111b and the THz-Lab.
- In the THz-Lab there can be a dose rate level higher than background level because of beam operation in room 111b. Therefore the THz-Lab and also the complete roof area above the radiation safety rooms is a permanent controlled area.
- THz-Lab users have to wear an electronic dosimeter (EPD) and for longer stays additionally a personal albedo dosimeter during their stay in THz-Lab. The EPD they get in building 540/542. The albedo dosimeter they preferably should get from their own institution. If this is not possible, HZDR can give you an albedo dosimeter for a fee. Without an albedo dosimeter, the access to the THz-Lab during beam time is limited.
- There are two rooms for users which can be used as an office and user lounge – room 204 at second floor and room 101 at first floor. In these rooms no higher dose rate level is expected. These rooms are monitored areas.
- The THz-Lab users must be also complete the form “Attestation for individual dose”.
Stay in the THz-Lab
The dose rate can differ locally inside the THz-Lab. You get information about your individual dose from your EPD.
A guide value of 3 µSv per shift should not be exceeded. Logout your EPD at the EPD system and control your individual dose at each end of shift.
If you exceed the guide value of 3 µSv per shift, inform the Radiation Protection Officer.
To reduce your individual dose you should stay only for absolute necessary tasks in the THz-Lab. For all other works (like working on your laptop or groupmeetings) go to rooms 204 or 101 in building 540/542.
Objects in the THz lab cannot get activated or contaminated in normal operation.