
Dr. Stefan Facsko

Head of Ion Beam Center
Phone: +49 351 260 2987

General User Information

The IBC user office ( is the major contact point for all current or prospective users of the IBC user facilities. Please do not hesitate to contact us for support or administrative help.

The central tool to organize your access to the IBC user facilities is called HZDR GATE (general access tool to experimental infrastructures). In GATE you will find a number of web applications

  • to submit proposals
  • to submit experimental reports
  • to provide feedback on your experience and
  • to provide publications resulting from your experiments

Note: Several of the IBC user facilities are located within a radiation protection area. For safety reasons, access to radiation protection areas is denied to minors and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please consider this when planning your experiments and discuss possible issues well beforehand with your respective local contact.

Committee Research on Condensed Matter with Nuclear Probes and Ion Beams

HZDR would like to let you know about the work of the "Committee Research on Condensed Matter with Nuclear Probes and Ion Beams" (KFSI). KFSI is an elected body representing the interests of ion beam users in Germany to politics and facilities. If you work with Ion Beams in Germany, you can register with KFSI as a user and vote for the new comittee in 2021.