The German Resource Research Institute (GERRI) goes online

News published on 26.10.2016

German Resource Research Institute - GERRIIn 2015, five leading German research institutes of the raw materials sector founded “GERRI” – a virtual institute that is aimed at strengthening German raw material research in the international realm. The “German Resource Research Institute“ has now reached an important stage recording, categorizing and publishing the national competencies and infrastructures of its founding partners in a database.

On the new website ( GERRI is presenting its services alongside the whole value chain of mineral and metalliferous raw materials.

The founding partners of GERRI – TU Bergakademie Freiberg, RWTH Aachen University, TU Clausthal, Fraunhofer Project Group Materials Recycling and Resource Strategies IWKS at Fraunhofer ISC and Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf – offer deep knowledge and experience in basic and applied research based on a large pool of scientists within all disciplines. The focus is on strategically important mineral raw materials, including high-tech metals, which are indispensable for future technologies.

National competencies in raw materials research

Together with a broad variety of infrastructure (measuring instruments, experimental equipment etc.) GERRI provides a well-structured correlation between available methods/processes of all competence areas and relevant material flows as well as elements of the periodic system.

GERRI’s fields of competence are: Exploration & Mining, Processing, Hydrometallurgy, Pyrometallurgy, Materials, Waste Management, Machinery, Modelling, Special Analytics, Material Flows & Elements. These are to be extended once there are new GERRI partners.

The virtual institute GERRI is embedded in the "Research for Sustainable Development (FONA)" program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which is part of the funding program "r4 - Innovative Technologies for Resource Efficiency - Research on the Provision of Economic Strategic Raw Materials". Coordinator of the network is the Freiberg Helmholtz Institute. After the expiry of the five-year funding period, GERRI will continue to exist independently as a network and will be financed, among other things, by subsidized industrial and research funds.