TELBE User Meeting 2017 at the HZDR
News of February 20, 2017
TELBE User Meeting on February 16 and 17, 2017 at HZDR |
Photo: HZDR |
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43 terahertz researchers from the materials and life sciences from overall 15 universities and research institutions participated at the “TELBE User Meeting 2017” and two satellite workshops on February 16 and 17 at the HZDR. These regularly held meetings serve the purpose to optimally develop the TELBE user facility at the ELBE Center for High-Power Radiation Sources towards the user’s needs.
On the first and second day, results of already performed user experiments were presented alongside new experimental ideas. This served to formulate suggestions for the next development steps of the experimental endstations. The presentations and discussions were grouped into four different sessions showing the large variety of applications for the terahertz radiation from the TELBE facility:
- Accelerator Research and Development
- Magnetism
- Condensed matter and Techniques
- Liquid phase
Satellite workshops on the 2nd day addressed perspectives of future activities at the HZDR research campus. The workshop “DALI – Towards a Future High-field THz Facility in Dresden” presented ideas for a new large scale user facility for research with terahertz and infrared radiation, and served to discuss the optimal parameters of such a source with the TELBE users. The second workshop “Life Science Applications for High-field THz pulses” on Friday afternoon had the goal to establish potential applications for high-field THz pulses for the life sciences.
Proposals for experiments at TELBE: April 26, 2017
Although TELBE is still under development, a limited amount of beamtime for users is available. Proposals for experiments at the TELBE facility can be submitted every half year, the next deadline is the 26.4.2017.
(Michael Gensch)
Further information:
Dr. Michael Gensch | Dr. Sergey Kovalev
Institute of Radiation Research
Phone + 49 351 260-2464 | -2454
Email: |