
Prof. Dr. Dominik Kraus

Lei­ter HED-For­schung Rostock
Gruppenlei­ter / Professor an der Uni­versität Rostock
Tel.: +49 381 498 6930

Warm Dense Matter Lecture SS2017


This lecture will give an overview on the special properties of Warm Dense Matter (WDM), which can be found, for example, in the deep interiors of planets, brown dwarfs and stars, and is also important for many laboratory applications (laser-matter interaction, material research, fusion research, etc.). Basic theoretical concepts and modern methods for creation and investigation of WDM in the laboratory will be discussed.


Mo 14:50 - 16:20 (5. Doppelstunde)

First lecture: 03.04.2017

Recknagel-Bau D16

Lecturer: Dr. Dominik Kraus


WDM overview small

  1. Introduction - Why is Warm Dense Matter interesting?
  2. States of Matter - Definition of Warm Dense Matter
  3. Basic principles of plasma physics
  4. Hydrodynamics
  5. Laser-matter interaction
  6. Dynamic processes in warm dense matter
  7. Structure in warm dense matter
  8. Current problems & challenges


R. P. Drake - High Energy Density Physics - Springer (2006)

S. Eliezer - The Interaction of High-Power Lasers with Plasmas - Institute of Physics Publishing (2002)

S. Eliezer & K. Mima (editors) - Applications of Laser-Plasma Interactions - CRC Press (2009)

V. E. Fortov - Extreme States of Matter on Earth and in the Cosmos - Springer (2011)

F. Graziani, M. P. Desjarlais, R. Redmer & S. B. Trickey (Editors) - Frontiers and Challenges in Warm Dense Matter - Springer (2014)

U.S. National Reseach Council - Frontiers In High Energy Density Physics: The X-Games of Contemporary Science - National Academic Press (2003)


01. Lecture 03.04.2017

02. Lecture 10.04.2017 - slides

02. Lecture 10.04.2017 - notes

03. Lecture 24.04.2017 - slides

03. Lecture 24.04.2017 - notes

04. Lecture 08.05.2017 - slides

04. Lecture 08.05.2017 - notes

05. Lecture 15.05.2017 - slides

05. Lecture 15.05.2017 - notes

06. Lecture 22.05.2017 - slides

06. Lecture 22.05.2017 - notes

06. Lecture 22.05.2017 - video

07. Lecture 29.05.2017 (Jan Vorberger) - slides

07. Lecture 29.05.2017 (Jan Vorberger) - notes

08. Lecture 12.06.2017 - slides

08. Lecture 12.06.2017 - notes

09. Lecture 19.06.2017 - slides

09. Lecture 19.06.2017 - notes

10. Lecture 26.06.2017 - slides