Personal web page of Henry Moll
Scientific career
Since 2001:Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, scientific staff member
2000-2001:Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e. V., Institute of Radiochemistry, EU Guest scientist
1999-2000:Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e. V., Institute of Radiochemistry, research associate
1997-1999:The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Department of Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Stockholm, Sweden, Postdoc
1997:Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Isotope Science Division, Livermore, U.S.A, guest researcher
1993-1997:Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e. V., Institute of Radiochemistry and Technische Universität Dresden, graduate research, PhD thesis: "Interactions of uranium(VI) with silicate in aqueous systems" (in German)
1988-1993:Technische Universität Dresden, Diploma in Chemistry
Research work
- Actinide and lanthanide speciation in bio- and geosystems including microbes, plants and biomolecular interfaces as well as in aqueous solutions
- Use of lanthanides and actinides as molecular probes to explore their behavior with plant cells and plants
- Application of different spectroscopic techniques, in particular time-resolved laser-induced luminescence spectroscopy (TRLFS)
- MIND – Microbiology In Nuclear waste Disposal (H2020-661880, 2015-2019)
- "Microbial diversity in Opalinus Clay and interaction of dominant microbial strains with actinides” (BMWi, 02E10618, 2009-2012)
- "The mobilization of actinides by microbial ligands taking into consideration the final storage of nuclear waste – Interactions of selected actinides U(VI), Cm(III), and Np(V) with pyoverdins secreted by Pseudomonas fluorescens and related model compounds" (BMWi, 02E9985, 2005-2008)
- "Interaction of actinides with the predominant indigenous bacteria in Äspö aquifer – Interactions of selected actinides U(VI), Cm(III), Np(V) and Pu(VI) with Desulovibrio äspöensis" (BMWi, 02E9985, 2001-2004)
Memberships / Board activities
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh), Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie
Europium(III) as luminescence probe for interactions of a sulfate-reducing microorganism with potentially toxic metals
Hilpmann, S.; Moll, H.; Drobot, B.; Vogel, M.; Hübner, R.; Stumpf, T.; Cherkouk, A.
Related publications
Data publication: Europium(III) as luminescence probe for interactions of a …
ROBIS: 37168 HZDR-primary research data are used by this (Id 37162) publication -
Data publication: Europium(III) as luminescence probe for interactions of a …
RODARE: 2357 HZDR-primary research data are used by this (Id 37162) publication
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 264(2023), 115474
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.115474
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Localization and chemical speciation of europium(III) in Brassica napus plants
Jessat, J.; John, W.; Moll, H.; Vogel, M.; Steudtner, R.; Drobot, B.; Hübner, R.; Stumpf, T.; Sachs, S.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 254(2023), 114741
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.114741
Cited 4 times in Scopus
A comprehensive study on the interaction of Eu(III) and U(VI) with plant cells (Daucus carota) in suspension
Jessat, J.; Moll, H.; John, W.; Bilke, M.-L.; Hübner, R.; Kretzschmar, J.; Steudtner, R.; Drobot, B.; Stumpf, T.; Sachs, S.
Journal of Hazardous Materials 439(2022), 129520
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129520
Cited 7 times in Scopus
Curium(III) speciation in the presence of microbial cell wall components
Moll, H.; Barkleit, A.; Frost, L.; Raff, J.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 227(2021), 112887
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112887
Cited 3 times in Scopus
Curium(III) and europium(III) as luminescence probes for plant cell (Brassica napus) interactions with potentially toxic metals
Moll, H.; Schmidt, M.; Sachs, S.
Journal of Hazardous Materials 412(2021), 125251
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125251
Cited 11 times in Scopus
Bioassociation of U(VI) and Eu(III) by plant (Brassica napus) suspension cell cultures – A spectroscopic investigation
Jessat, J.; Sachs, S.; Moll, H.; John, W.; Steudtner, R.; Hübner, R.; Bok, F.; Stumpf, T.
Environmental Science and Technology 55(2021)10, 6718-6728
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c05881
Cited 8 times in Scopus
Molecular binding of Eu(III)/Cm(III) by Stenotrophomonas bentonitica and its impact on the safety of future geodisposal of radioactive waste
Ruiz-Fresneda, M. A.; Lopez Fernandez, M.; Martinez-Moreno, M. F.; Cherkouk, A.; Ju-Nam, Y.; Ojeda, J. J.; Moll, H.; Merroun, M. L.
Environmental Science & Technology 54(2020), 15180-15190
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c02418
Cited 19 times in Scopus
Interaction of curium(III) with surface-layer proteins from Lysinibacillus sphaericus JG-A12
Moll, H.; Lehmann, F.; Raff, J.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 190(2020), 110950
DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2020.110950
Cited 8 times in Scopus
Plant cell (Brassica napus) response to europium(III) and uranium(VI) exposure
Moll, H.; Sachs, S.; Geipel, G.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27(2020), 32048-32061
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-09525-2
ISSN: 0944-1344
Cited 12 times in Scopus
Complex formation between UO22+ and α-isosaccharinic acid: insights on a molecular level
Brinkmann, H.; Patzschke, M.; Kaden, P.; Raiwa, M.; Rossberg, A.; Kloditz, R.; Heim, K.; Moll, H.; Stumpf, T.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 28986) publication
Dalton Transactions 48(2019), 13440-13457
DOI: 10.1039/C9DT01080G
Cited 8 times in Scopus
Association of Eu(III) and Cm(III) onto an extremely halophilic archaeon
Bader, M.; Moll, H.; Steudtner, R.; Lösch, H.; Drobot, B.; Stumpf, T.; Cherkouk, A.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(2019), 9352-9364
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-04165-7
Cited 13 times in Scopus
Reversible pH-dependent curium(III) biosorption by the bentonite yeast isolate Rhodotorula mucilaginosa BII-R8
Lopez-Fernandez, M.; Moll, H.; Merroun, M. L.
Journal of Hazardous Materials 370(2019), 156-163
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.06.054
Cited 17 times in Scopus
Multidisciplinary characterization of U(VI) sequestration by Acidovorax facilis for bioremediation purposes
Krawczyk-Bärsch, E.; Gerber, U.; Müller, K.; Moll, H.; Rossberg, A.; Steudtner, R.; Merroun, M.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 25758) publication
Journal of Hazardous Materials 147(2018), 233-241
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.12.030
Cited 19 times in Scopus
Plutonium interaction studies with the Mont Terri Opalinus Clay isolate Sporomusa sp. MT-2.99: changes in the plutonium speciation by solvent extractions.
Moll, H.; Cherkouk, A.; Bok, F.; Bernhard, G.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(2017)15, 13497-13508
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-8969-6
Cited 2 times in Scopus
A spectroscopic study on U(VI) biomineralization in cultivated Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms isolated from granitic aquifers
Krawczyk-Bärsch, E.; Lütke, L.; Moll, H.; Bok, F.; Steudtner, R.; Rossberg, A.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 18935) publication
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(2015)6, 4555-4565
Online First (2014) DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3671-4
Cited 20 times in Scopus
Uranium(VI) Chemistry in Strong Alkaline Solution: Speciation and Oxygen Exchange Mechanism
Moll, H.; Rossberg, A.; Steudtner, R.; Drobot, B.; Müller, K.; Tsushima, S.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 19321) publication
Inorganic Chemistry 53(2014)3, 1585-1593
DOI: 10.1021/ic402664n
Cited 22 times in Scopus
Interactions of the Mont Terri Opalinus Clay isolate Sporomusa sp. MT-2.99 with curium(III) and europium(III)
Moll, H.; Lütke, L.; Geissler, A.; Selenska-Pobell, S.; Bernhard, G.; Bachvarova, V.
Geomicrobiology Journal 31(2014), 682-696
DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2014.889975
Cited 23 times in Scopus
The U(VI) Speciation Influenced by a Novel Paenibacillus Isolate from Mont Terri Opalinus Clay
Lütke, L.; Moll, H.; Bachvarova, V.; Selenska-Pobell, S.; Bernhard, G.
Dalton Transactions 42(2013), 6979-6988
DOI: 10.1039/c3dt33032j
Cited 17 times in Scopus
Curium(III) speciation studies with cells of a groundwater strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens
Moll, H.; Lütke, L.; Barkleit, A.; Bernhard, G.
Geomicrobiology Journal 30(2013), 337-346
Online First (2012) DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2012.688927
Cited 15 times in Scopus
Insights on the Uranium(VI) Speciation with Pseudomonas fluorescens on a Molecular Level
Lütke, L.; Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Dalton Transactions 41(2012)43, 13370-13378
DOI: 10.1039/c2dt31080e
Cited 28 times in Scopus
A TRLFS study of curium(III) naphthalene and hydroxyquinoline complexes in aqueous solution
Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Polyhedron 31(2012), 759-766
DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2011.11.007
Cited 7 times in Scopus
Aqueous uranyl benzoate species characterized by different spectroscopic techniques
Frost, L.; Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Radiochimica Acta 100(2012)5, 297-303
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2012.1916
Cited 12 times in Scopus
Coordination of uranium(VI) with functional groups of bacterial lipopolysaccharide studied by EXAFS and FT-IR spectroscopy
Barkleit, A.; Foerstendorf, H.; Li, B.; Rossberg, A.; Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 15381) publication
Dalton Transactions 40(2011)38, 9868-9876
DOI: 10.1039/c1dt10546a
Cited 60 times in Scopus
Aqueous curium(III) phosphate species characterized by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
Moll, H.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.
Radiochimica Acta 99(2011), 775-782
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2011.1878
Cited 14 times in Scopus
Radionuclide Geomicrobiology of the Deep Biosphere
Anderson, C.; Johnsson, A.; Moll, H.; Pedersen, K.
Geomicrobiology Journal 28(2011), 540-561
DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2010.507644
ISSN: 0149-0451 print
Cited 31 times in Scopus
Combined Computational and Experimental Study of Uranyl(VI) 1:2-Complexation by Aromatic Acids
Wiebke, J.; Weigand, A.; Weißmann, D.; Glorius, M.; Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.; Dolg, M.
Inorganic Chemistry 49(2010)14, 6428-6435
DOI: 10.1021/ic902496u
ISSN: 0020-1669
Cited 9 times in Scopus
Neptunium(V) complexation by natural pyoverdins and related model compounds
Moll, H.; Johnsson, A.; Schäfer, M.; Glorius, M.; Pedersen, K.; Budzikiewicz, H.; Bernhard, G.
Contribution to proceedings
12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, 20.-25.09.2009, Kennewick, Washington, USA -
Lecture (Conference)
12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere 2009, 20.-25.09.2009, Kennewick, Washington, USA -
Radiochimica Acta 98(2010), 571-576
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2010.1755
Cited 8 times in Scopus
Complexation of uranium(VI) with peptidoglycan
Barkleit, A.; Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Dalton Transactions 27(2009), 5379-5385
DOI: 10.1039/b818702a
Cited 31 times in Scopus
The relationship of monodentate and bidentate coordinated uranium(VI) sulfate in aqueous solution
Hennig, C.; Ikeda, A.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Moll, H.; Tsushima, S.; Scheinost, A. C.; Skanthakumar, S.; Wilson, R.; Soderholm, L.; Servaes, K.; Görrler-Walrand, C.; van Deun, R.
Radiochimica Acta 96(2008), 607-611
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2008.1543
Cited 31 times in Scopus
Curium(III) complexation with desferrioxamine B (DFO) investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy
Moll, H.; Glorius, M.; Bernhard, G.
- Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 81(2008)7, 857-862
Complexation of Curium(III) with Hydroxamic Acids Investigated by Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Glorius, M.; Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Polyhedron 27(2008)9-10, 2113-2118
DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2008.04.002
ISSN: 0277-5387
Cited 16 times in Scopus
Complexation of uranium(VI) with aromatic acids in aqueous solution A combined computational and experimental study
Wiebke, J.; Moritz, A.; Glorius, M.; Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.; Dolg, M.
- Inorganic Chemistry 47(2008)8, 3150-3157
Interaction of uranium(VI) with lipopolysaccharide
Barkleit, A.; Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Dalton Transactions (2008), 2879-2886
DOI: 10.1039/b715669c
Cited 56 times in Scopus
Characterization of Pyoverdins Secreted by a Subsurface Strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Their Interactions with Uranium(VI)
Moll, H.; Glorius, M.; Bernhard, G.; Johnsson, A.; Pedersen, K.; Schäfer, M.; Budzikiewicz, H.
Geomicrobiology Journal 25(2008), 157-166
DOI: 10.1080/01490450802006850
ISSN: 0149-0451
Cited 20 times in Scopus
Curium(III) complexation with pyoverdins secreted by a groundwater strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens
Moll, H.; Johnsson, A.; Schäfer, M.; Pedersen, K.; Budzikiewicz, H.; Bernhard, G.
BioMetals 21(2008), 219-228
DOI: 10.1007/s10534-007-9111-x
Cited 37 times in Scopus
Complexation of uranium(VI) with aromatic acids such as hydroxamic and benzoic acid investigated by TRLFS
Glorius, M.; Moll, H.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 277(2008)2, 371-377
Complexation of curium(III) with L2-aminobutyric acid investigated by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS).
Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 274(2007)3, 603-608
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-007-6919-3
Cited 3 times in Scopus
EXAFS investigation of U(VI), U(IV) and Th(IV) sulfato complexes in aqueous solution
Hennig, C.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Moll, H.; Tsushima, S.; Scheinost, A.
- Inorganic Chemistry 46(2007)15, 5882-5892
Actinide XAS 2006, 18.-20.09.2006, Karlsruhe, Germany -
Contribution to proceedings
Actinide XAS 2006, 18.-20.09.2006, Karlsruhe, Germany
Speciation Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources: OECD, 978-92-64-99006-7, 219-224
Complexation of uranium(VI) with aromatic acids in aqueous solution A comparison of hydroxamic acids and benzoic acid
Glorius, M.; Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Radiochimica Acta 95(2007), 151-157
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2007.95.3.151
Cited 30 times in Scopus
Complex formation of curium(III) with amino acids of different functionalities: L-Threonine and O-Phospho-L-Threonine.
Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.
Journal of Coordination Chemistry 60(2007)16, 1795-1807
DOI: 10.1080/00958970701194058
Cited 13 times in Scopus
The interaction of Desulfovibrio äspöensis DSM 10631T with plutonium
Moll, H.; Merroun, M. L.; Hennig, C.; Rossberg, A.; Selenska-Pobell, S.; Bernhard, G.
- Radiochimica Acta 94(2006), 815-824
Complexation of Curium(III) by Adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP): A Time-resolved Laser-induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFS) Study.
Moll, H.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.
- Inorganica Chimica Acta 358(2005), 2275-2282
Time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy study on the interaction of Cm(III) with Desulfovibrio äspöensis DSM 10631T
Moll, H.; Stumpf, T.; Merroun, M.; Rossberg, A.; Selenska-Pobell, S.; Bernhard, G.
Environmental Science and Technology 38(2004)5, 1455-1459
DOI: 10.1021/es0301166
Cited 29 times in Scopus
Uranyl(VI) complexes with alpha-substituted carboxylic acids in aqueous solution
Moll, H.; Geipel, G.; Reich, T.; Bernhard, G.; Fanghänel, T.; Grenthe, I.
Lecture (Conference)
MIGRATION '01, 8th International Conference on Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere Bregenz, Austria September 16 - 21, 2001 - Radiochimica Acta 91, 11-20 (2003)
The Colloid Chemistry of Acid Rock Drainage Solution from an Abandoned Zn-Pb-Ag Mine
Zänker, H.; Moll, H.; Richter, W.; Brendler, V.; Hennig, C.; Reich, T.; Kluge, A.; Hüttig, G.
- Applied Geochemistry 17 (2002) 633-648
On the structure of Np(VI) and Np(VII) species in alkaline solution studied by EXAFS and quantum chemical methods
Bolvin, H.; Wahlgren, U.; Moll, H.; Reich, T.; Geipel, G.; Fanghaenel, T.; Grenthe, I.
- Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105(2001)51, 11441-11445
Solvent Effects on Uranium(VI) Fluoride and Hydroxide Complexes Studied by EXAFS and Quantum Chemistry
Vallet, V.; Wahlgren, U.; Schimmelpfennig, B.; Moll, H.; Szabó, H.; Grenthe, I.
- Inorg. Chemie 40, 3516-3525 (2001)
Structure and dynamics in the complex ion (UO2)2(CO3)(OH)3
Szabó, Z.; Moll, H.; Grenthe, I.
Dalton Transactions (2000), 3158-3161
DOI: 10.1039/b001561j
Cited 23 times in Scopus
Solution coordination chemistry of uranium in the binary UO22+}-SO42- and the ternary UO22+-SO42--OH- system
Moll, H.; Reich, T.; Hennig, C.; Roßberg, A.; Szabó, Z.; Grenthe, I.
- Radiochimica Acta 88, 559-566 (2000)
The hydrolysis of dioxouranium(VI) investigated using EXAFS and 170-NMR
Moll, H.; Reich, T.; Szabo, Z.
- Radiochimica Acta 88(2000),411-415
An EXAFS Study of Uranium (VI) Sorption onto Silica Gel and Ferrihydrite
Reich, T.; Moll, H.; Arnold, T.; Denecke, M. A.; Hennig, C.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.; Nitsche, H.; Allen, P. G.; Bucher, J. J.; Edelstein, N. M.; Shuh, D. K.
J. Electron Spectroscopy Related Phenomena 96(1998), p. 237
DOI: 10.1016/S0368-2048(98)00242-4
Cited 130 times in Scopus
Interaction of uranium(VI) with silicic acid in aqueous solutions by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS)
Moll, H.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.; Nitsche, H.
Actinides '97 International Conference, 21.-26.9.1997, Baden-Baden -
J. Alloys and Compounds 271-273, 765 (1998)
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(98)00203-5
Cited 82 times in Scopus
EXAFS Investigations on the Interaction of Uranium(VI) with Natural and Synthetic Humic Acids
Denecke, M. A.; Pompe, S.; Reich, T.; Moll, H.; Bubner, M.; Heise, K.-H.; Nicolai, R.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 79 (1997), 151-159
Characterization of hydrous uranyl silicate by EXAFS
Reich, T.; Moll, H.; Denecke, M. A.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.; Nitsche, H.; Allen, P. G.; Bucher, J. J.; Kaltsoyannis, N.; Edelstein, N. M.; Shuh, D. K.
- Radiochimica Acta 74(1996), 219
Solubility and Speciation of (UO2)2SiO4 2H2O in Aqueous Systems
Moll, H.; Geipel, G.; Matz, W.; Bernhard, G.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 74 (1996) pp. 3-7
Migration '95
Synthesis and characterization of uranyl-orthosilicate (UO2)2SiO4 2H2O
Moll, H.; Matz, W.; Schuster, G.; Brendler, E.; Bernhard, G.; Nitsche, H.
Journal of Nuclear Materials 227 (1995) pp. 40-49
DOI: 10.1016/0022-3115(95)00148-4
Cited 38 times in Scopus