
Dr. Emil Fridman

Tel.: +49 351 260 2167

Persönliche Webseite von Emil Fridman

Dr. Emil Fridman

Tel.: +49 351 260 2167

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

  • Seit 2015:
    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Ressourcenökologie, HZDR.
  • 2012-2014:
    Leiter, Nachwuchsgruppe Reaktorphysik, Institut für Ressourcenökologie, HZDR.
  • 2008-2011:
    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Sicherheitsforschung, HZDR.
  • 2004-2008:
    Ben-Gurion Universität, Promotion in Nuclear Engineering


  • Reaktorphysik und -technik,
  • Fortgeschrittene Kernbrennstoffzyklen,
  • Sicherheitsanalysen für Kernreaktoren,
  • Entsorgung von nuklearem Abfall.




Analysis of loss of flow without scram test in the FFTF reactor – Part II: System thermal hydraulics with point neutron kinetics

Ponomarev, A.; Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.

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Analysis of loss of flow without scram test in the FFTF reactor – Part I: preparation of neutronics data

Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.; Ponomarev, A.

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CEFR control rod drop transient simulation using RAST-F code system

Tran, T. Q.; Huo, X.; Fridman, E.; Lee, D.

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Coupled 3D neutronics/thermal-hydraulics analysis of Superphénix start-up tests with DYN3D/ATHLET code system

Ponomarev, A.; Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.

Definition of the neutronics benchmark of the NuScale-like core

Fridman, E.; Bilodid, Y.; Valtavirta, V.

Verknüpfte Publikationen

Impact of Thermal-Hydraulic Feedback and Differential Thermal Expansion on European SFR Core Power Distribution

Lindley, B.; Álvarez Velarde, F.; Baker, U.; Bodi, J.; Cosgrove, P.; Charles, A.; Fiorina, C.; Fridman, E.; Krepel, J.; Lavarenne, J.; Mikityuk, K.; Nikitin, E.; Ponomarev, A.; Radman, S.; Shwageraus, E.; Tollit, B.

Verknüpfte Publikationen

Extension of the DYN3D/ATHLET code system to SFR applications: models description and initial validation

Fridman, E.; Nikitin, E.; Ponomarev, A.; Di Nora, A.; Kliem, S.; Mikityuk, K.

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Superphénix Benchmark Part II: Transient Results

Ponomarev, A.; Mikityuk, K.; Fridman, E.; Di Nora, V. A.; Bubelis, E.; Schikorr, M.

Verknüpfte Publikationen

Decay heat characterization for the European Sodium Fast Reactor

Jiménez-Carrascosa, A.; García-Herranz, N.; Krepel, J.; Margulis, M.; Davies, U.; Shwageraus, E.; Fridman, E.; Gregg, R.

Verknüpfte Publikationen

Superphénix Benchmark Part I: Results of Static neutronics

Ponomarev, A.; Mikityuk, K.; Zhang, L.; Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.; Álvarez-Velarde, F.; Romojaro-Otero, P.; Jiménez-Carrascosa, A.; García-Herranz, N.; Lindley, B.; Davies, U.; Seubert, A.; Henry, R.

Verknüpfte Publikationen

Neutronic analysis of the European Sodium Fast Reactor: Part II - burnup results

Fridman, E.; Álvarez-Velarde, F.; Romojaro-Otero, P.; Tsige-Tamirat, H.; Jiménez-Carrascosa, A.; García-Herranz, N.; Bernard, F.; Gregg, R.; Krepel, J.; Massara, S.; Poumerouly, S.; Girardi, E.; Mikityuk, K.

Verknüpfte Publikationen

Neutronic analysis of the European Sodium Fast Reactor: Part I - fresh core results

Fridman, E.; Álvarez-Velarde, F.; Romojaro-Otero, P.; Tsige-Tamirat, H.; Jiménez-Carrascosa, A.; García-Herranz, N.; Bernard, F.; Gregg, R.; Krepel, J.; Massara, S.; Poumerouly, S.; Girardi, E.; Mikityuk, K.

Verknüpfte Publikationen


Optimization of multi-group energy structures for diffusion analyses of sodium-cooled fast reactors assisted by simulated annealing – Part II: methodology application

Di Nora, V. A.; Fridman, E.; Nikitin, E.; Bilodid, Y.; Mikityuk, K.

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Neutronic Modelling of the FFTF Control Rod Worth Measurements with Diffusion Codes

Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.; Mikityuk, K.; Radman, S.; Fiorina, C.

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Evaluation of the ESFR End of Equilibrium Cycle State: Spatial Distributions of Reactivity Coefficients

Baker, U.; Margulis, M.; Shwageraus, E.; Fridman, E.; Jiménez-Carrascosa, A.; García-Herranz, N.; Cabellos, O.; Gregg, R.; Krepel, J.

Verknüpfte Publikationen

Optimization of multi-group energy structures for diffusion analyses of sodium-cooled fast reactors assisted by simulated annealing – Part I: methodology demonstration

Di Nora, V. A.; Fridman, E.; Nikitin, E.; Bilodid, Y.; Mikityuk, K.

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Modelling ASTRID-Like Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor with Serpent DYN3D Code Sequence

Rydlewicz, W.; Fridman, E.; Shwageraus, E.

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  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    Physics of Reactors PHYSOR 2020, 29.03.-02.04.2020, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 978-1-5272-6447-2
  • Open Access Logo European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 247(2021), 02028
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202124702028

Evaluation of the ESFR End of Cycle State and Detailed Spatial Distributions of Reactivity Coefficients

Davies, U.; Margulis, M.; Shwageraus, E.; Fridman, E.; Garcia-Herranz, N.; Jimenez-Carrascosa, A.; Cabellos, O.; Gregg, R.

Verknüpfte Publikationen


Dynamic simulation of the CEFR control rod drop experiments with the Monte Carlo code Serpent

Fridman, E.; Huo, X.

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X2 VVER-1000 benchmark revision: fresh HZP core state and the reference Monte Carlo solution

Bilodid, Y.; Fridman, E.; Lötsch, T.

Verknüpfte Publikationen

Nuclear Data Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Critical VENUS-F Cores with the Serpent Monte Carlo Code

Fridman, E.; Valtavirta, V.; Aufiero, M.

Neutronic analyses of the FREYA experiments in support of the ALFRED LFR core design and licensing

Sarotto, M.; Firpo, G.; Kochetkov, A.; Krása, A.; Fridman, E.; Cetnar, J.; Domanska, G.


Modeling of the FFTF isothermal physics tests with the Serpent and DYN3D codes

Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.

Applying the Serpent-DYN3D Code Sequence for the Decay Heat Analysis of Metallic Fuel Sodium Fast Reactor

Pereira, G.; Johnson, A. E.; Bilodid, Y.; Fridman, E.; Kotlyar, D.


Explicit decay heat calculation in the nodal diffusion code DYN3D

Bilodid, Y.; Fridman, E.; Kotlyar, D.; Shwageraus, E.

Extension of the reactor dynamics code DYN3D to SFR applications – Part III: validation against the initial phase of the Phenix EOL natural convection test

Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.

Extension of the reactor dynamics code DYN3D to SFR applications – Part II: validation against the Phenix EOL control rod withdrawal tests

Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.

Extension of the reactor dynamics code DYN3D to SFR applications – Part I: thermal expansion models

Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.


Modeling of FREYA Fast Critical Experiments with the Serpent Monte Carlo Code

Fridman, E.; Kochetkov, A.; Krása, A.


Overview of methodology for spatial homogenization in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code

Leppanen, J.; Pusa, M.; Fridman, E.

The reactor Dynamics code DYN3D – models, Validation and applications

Rohde, U.; Kliem, S.; Grundmann, U.; Baier, S.; Bilodid, Y.; Duerigen, S.; Fridman, E.; Gommlich, A.; Holt, L.; Grahn, A.; Kozmenkov, Y.; Mittag, S.

Hybrid microscopic depletion model in nodal code DYN3D

Bilodid, Y.; Kotlyar, D.; Shwageraus, E.; Fridman, E.; Kliem, S.

High Conversion Th–U233 fuel for current generation of PWRs: Part III – Fuel availability and utilization considerations

Baldova, D.; Fridman, E.; Shwageraus, E.


Feasibility assessment of the once-through Thorium fuel cycle for the PTVM LWR concept

Rachamin, R.; Fridman, E.; Galperin, A.

On the use of the SPH method in nodal diffusion analyses of SFR cores

Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.; Mikityuk, K.

Spectral history model in DYN3D: Verification against coupled Monte-Carlo thermal-hydraulic code BGCore

Bilodid, Y.; Kotlyar, D.; Margulis, M.; Fridman, E.; Shwageraus, E.

Solution of the OECD/NEA neutronic SFR benchmark with Serpent-DYN3D and Serpent-PARCS code systems

Nikitin, E.; Fridman, E.; Mikityuk, K.

Investigations on in-vessel melt retention by external cooling for a generic VVER-1000 reactor

Tusheva, P.; Altstadt, E.; Willschütz, H.-G.; Fridman, E.; Weiß, F.-P.

One-Group Cross-Section Generation for Monte Carlo Burnup Codes: Multigroup Method Extension and Verification

Kotlyar, D.; Fridman, E.; Shwageraus, E.


High Conversion Th-U233 fuel for current generation of PWRs: Part II – 3D full core analysis

Baldova, D.; Fridman, E.; Shwageraus, E.

High Conversion Th-U233 fuel for current generation of PWRs: Part I – assembly level analysis

Baldova, D.; Fridman, E.; Shwageraus, E.

Sensitivity study on Xe depletion in the high burn-up structure of UO2

Holt, L.; Schubert, A.; van Uffelen, P.; Walker, C. T.; Fridman, E.; Sonoda, T.

Calculation of effective point kinetics parameters in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code

Leppanen, J.; Aufiero, M.; Fridman, E.; Rachamin, R.; van der Marck, S.

Extension and application of the reactor dynamics code DYN3D for Block-type High Temperature Reactors

Baier, S.; Fridman, E.; Kliem, S.; Rohde, U.


Axial discontinuity factors for the nodal diffusion analysis of high conversion BWR cores

Fridman, E.; Duerigen, S.; Bilodid, Y.; Kotlyar, D.; Shwageraus, E.

Design and analysis of an innovative pressure tubes light water reactor with variable moderator control

Rachamin, R.; Fridman, E.; Galperin, A.

Serpent Monte-Carlo Code: An Advanced Tool for Few-Group Cross Section Generation

Fridman, E.

  • atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 58(2013)3, 156-157

Neutronic analysis of SFR core with HELIOS-2, SERPENT, and DYN3D codes

Rachamin, R.; Wemple, C.; Fridman, E.

Modeling of SFR cores with Serpent-DYN3D codes sequence

Fridman, E.; Shwageraus, E.


The simplified P3 approach on a trigonal geometry of the nodal reactor code DYN3D

Duerigen, S.; Fridman, E.

  • Kerntechnik 4(2012), 226-229

Development and verification of the coupled 3D neutron kinetics/thermal-hydraulics code DYN3D-HTR for the simulation of transients in block-type HTGR

Rohde, U.; Baier, S.; Duerigen, S.; Fridman, E.; Kliem, S.; Merk, B.

Use of Zirconium-Based Moderators to Enhance Feedback Coefficients in a MOX-Fueled Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor

Merk, B.; Weiß, F.-P.; Fridman, E.; Kliem, S.

  • Nuclear Science and Engineering 171(2012)2, 136-149


Coupled neutronic thermo-hydraulic analysis of full PWR core with Monte-Carlo based BGCore system

Kotlyar, D.; Shaposhnik, Y.; Fridman, E.; Shwageraus, E.

Development of the coupled 3D neutron kinetics/thermal-hydraulics code DYN3D-HTR for the simulation of transients in block-type HTGR

Rohde, U.; Baier, S.; Duerigen, S.; Fridman, E.; Kliem, S.; Merk, B.

  • Kerntechnik 76(2011)3, 166-173

On the use of the Serpent Monte Carlo code for few-group cross section generation

Fridman, E.; Leppänen, J.

Pu recycling in a full Th-MOX PWR core: Part I - steady state analysis

Fridman, E.; Kliem, S.

On the use of a moderation layer to improve the safety behavior in sodium cooled fast reactors

Merk, B.; Fridman, E.; Weiß, F.-P.

  • Annals of Nuclear Energy 38(2011)5, 921-929


Comparison among MCNP-based depletion codes applied to burnup calculations of pebble-bed HTR lattices

Bomboni, E.; Cerullo, N.; Fridman, E.; Lomonaco, G.; Shwageraus, E.

  • Nuclear Engineering and Design 240(2010), 918-924


The use of Th in HTR: state of the art and implementation in Th/Pu fuel cycles

Mazzini, G.; Bomboni, E.; Cerullo, N.; Fridman, E.; Lomonaco, G.; Shwageraus, E.

  • Open Access Logo Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2009(2009), 749736

Preliminary evaluation of a nuclear scenario involving innovative gas cooled reactors

Vezzoni, B.; Cerullo, N.; Forasassi, G.; Fridman, E.; Lomonaco, G.; Romanello, V.; Shwageraus, E.

  • Open Access Logo Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2009(2009), 940286