TU Dresden, Chair of transport processes at interfaces
At the chair of transport processes at interfaces, we perform experimental studies of transport processes of molecules, ions, and particles towards the broad spectrum of interfaces, including liquid-liquid, liquid-gas and solid-liquid interfaces. Such processes are ubiquitous in numerous technologies and, frequently, they constitute the rate-limiting step.
Our works are devoted to an improved basic understanding of these processes in multi-phase systems and to an increase in their efficiency.
Im Sommersemester 2020 halte ich im Rahmen des Recycling-Moduls die folgenden Vorlesungen:
Produkt- und produktionsintegrierter Umweltschutz (PIUS)
Wintersemester 2020/21:
Elektromagnetisches Prozessieren und Separieren von Materialien:
Grundlagen und Anwendungen
Website at TU Dresden, Institute of Process Engineering and Environmental Technologies