Online Annual Review 2016: Personnel Matters & Awards
Discharging of Prof. Michael Baumann, scientific director at DKFZ, and Inauguration of Prof. Mechthild Krause, head of HZDR-Institute of Radiooncology - OncoRay since 1st July 2016. Source: UKD / André Wirsig
Appointments / Recognitions / Functions
- Since June 2016, Cuban scientist Dr. Yonder Berencén has been a guest at the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research as a Humboldt Fellow. Over the next two years, he will be working on the question of how silicon nanowires can be used as building blocks for electronic and optoelectronic applications.
- Prof. Olav Hellwig accepted a professorship for “Functional Magnetic Materials” at TU Chemnitz and the HZDR Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research at the end of June 2016. The physicist, who moved to Saxony from San Jose in the USA, is working on new kinds of data storage technologies.
- The Brandenburg Ministry for Science, Research and Culture appointed Prof. Jens Pietzsch from the Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research to the Brandenburg Health Campus’ advisory board. The organization’s goal is to strengthen university-level research and education in the areas of medicine and health through a visible national network.
- Since 1st July, Prof. Mechthild Krause has been managing the Institute of Radiooncology - OncoRay at HZDR. The radiotherapist is also currently the director of the National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology - OncoRay as well as the Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology at the University Hospital Dresden.
The former director of the HZDR Institute of Radiooncology and the OncoRay Center, Prof. Michael Baumann, was appointed Scientific Director of the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) on 1st November. In recent years he has been the driving force behind the Dresden and Heidelberg institutions becoming so well interconnected.
- Together with HZDR, TU Dresden appointed Prof. Kerstin Eckert to a professorship for “Transport Processes at Interfaces”. The physicist investigates the processes which take place at contact points when gasses, liquids or solids converge.
Award of the HZDR-prizes 2016 Source: André Wirsig
- 2016 HZDR Prizes (awarded 3. Maiy2017)
- In his doctoral thesis, Dr. Christian Golnik, discovered a new technique for measuring the range of particle beams during cancer treatment. The innovative and comparatively simple process could make a crucial contribution to making radiation therapy even more effective by using the charged particles. The Behnken-Berger Foundation honored this achievement with its 1st prize of the same name, which has a value of 12,000 Euro.
- In Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen’s birth town, Remscheid, the former director of the HZDR Institute of Radiooncology - OncoRay and the OncoRay Center, Prof. Michael Baumann, received the Röntgen Medal (see PDF, p. 37) for his outstanding scientific achievements. This honor is awarded to people who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement and circulation of Röntgen’s discovery.
- In November 2016, the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (German Physical Society) awarded the 10,000 Euro Walter-Schottky-Prize 2017 to Dr. Helmut Schultheiß from the HZDR Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research. With this award, the society recognized his fundamental work towards understanding spin wave propagation in nanostructures and their applications in new, functional components for the transportation and logical processing of information. Schultheiß leads the Emmy Noether Research Group “Magnonics” at the research center.
- For the first time ever, the Helmholtz Association has awarded a HZDR doctoral candidate its Doctoral Prize. Dr. Tobias Vogt from the Institute of Fluid Dynamics managed to create and analyze a tornado-like vortex in a liquid metal flow during his PhD. Additionally, his engineering knowledge has led to a more efficient blending of molten steel and to the dynamism of Poincaré waves. The prize also includes a 5,000 Euro monthly travel allowance for undertaking a research period in a foreign country.
- For his successes in the field of high-performance computing, the Association for Computing Machinery and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers have awarded HZDR doctoral candidate, Axel Hübl the George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship, which has a value of 5,000 US Dollar. Along with other junior researchers from Dresden, the physicist was able to develop today’s most efficient simulation code for laser and plasma physics.
- The German Research Foundation (DFG) awarded Dr. Max Frenzel from the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology the Bernd Rendel Prize for Geosciences, worth 1,500 Euro. The junior researcher was able to prove in his doctoral thesis that the amount of usable gallium and germanium worldwide is considerably larger than current annual production.
- For her excellent apprenticeship certificate as well as her exceptional operational, social and sociopolitical commitment, biology laboratory technician Lisa Bauer received the Professor Joehnk Advancement Award for Trainees. It is awarded yearly by the “Zukunft durch Bildung” ("A Future through Education") foundation and is worth 1,000 Euro.
- With 96 out of a possible 100 points, Kevin Bauch was last year’s best physics laboratory assistant graduate nationwide. The former HZDR trainee received this honor from The Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK). Earlier the Dresden and Saxony IHKs (Chambers of Commerce and Industry) had honored him as the best in the local area and the best in state for his excellent results.
- At the 2016 World Media Festival in Hamburg the film about repository research at the HZDR Institute of Resource Ecology was awarded the Intermedia-Globe in Gold in the “Research and Science” category. A further prize, the Remi-Award in Gold, was received for the video which the research center produced with Dresden-based company, Avanga at the 49th International Film Festival in Houston, Texas.
Following a short and serious illness, Prof. Dirk Schwalm died on 14 July 2016 at the age of 76. From 1993 to 2000 the physicist was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Rossendorf research center. Since 2012 he had been contributing to the ELBE Advisory Board.
At the age of 59, Prof. Leone Spiccia died on 18 December 2016 in Melbourne. The chemist had worked closely with researchers from the HZDR Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research since 2006. In 2014 he received the Helmholtz International Fellow Award.