Final LIMTECH Colloquium and International Symposium on Liquid Metal Technologies
Magnetohydrodynamik – Magnetfeld-Bremsen beim Stahlguss (Bild: AIFilm)
Foto: AI Films
Date and Place: Sept. 19-20, Dresden, Germany
Organization: Dr. Gunter Gerbeth (HZDR), Prof. Robert Stieglitz (KIT), Dr. Gerd Mutschke (HZDR)
Liquid metal technologies provide a surprising bandwidth in fundamental and applied research. Regarding energy conversion and storage, they allow for high-temperature energy conversion, efficient and compact solar power receivers, advanced thermal storage units, new high current density batteries or carbon dioxide free production of hydrogen as chemical energy carrier. In the sense of sustainability and resource efficiency these technologies are of vital importance for the production and casting of steel and light metals, the separation of inclusions and the controlled dispersion of particles in melts for, e.g., new metal matrix nanocomposites or solar-grade silicon. Further on liquid metals are used as targets in modern neutron sources, coolants of fusion and fission reactors but also in advanced laboratory experiments to investigate the origin and behavior of stellar and planetary phenomena in geo- and astrophysics.
- Generic Problems and Phenomena
- Energy Conversions and Storage
- Metals and Semiconductor Processing
- Measurement Techniques
Confirmed Invited Speaker:
- Dr. Kaspars Dadzis (IKZ Berlin), Winner of the LIMTECH Award 2017
- Prof. Peter Davidson (Cambridge Univ.)
- Dr. Alain Jardy (Univ. Lorraine)
- Dr. Ishan Joshipura (North Carolina State Univ.)
The preliminary program of the colloquium can be downloaded here.
Conference Proceedings:
Review and research articles from all LIMTECH projects will be published in a dedicated volume: IOP Conf. Series: Mat. Sci. Eng., vol. 228 (2017) (open access).
The symposium takes place at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf, Building 114, Room 202.
There is no registration fee. Participants need to register in advance by email to Please request registration before Sept. 1, 2017.
The Helmholtz Alliance LIMTECH has been funded for a period of five years (October 2012 – September 2017) by the German Helmholtz Association. The funding comprised the Helmholtz centres HZDR, KIT, German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) and the following German university partners: Technical University Dresden, Technical University Ilmenau, Leibniz University Hannover, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, University of Potsdam – Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Georg-August University Göttingen, and RWTH Aachen – Access Institute. International partners directly involved were the Institute of Physics Riga (Latvia), the Coventry University (UK) and the company RGS Development B.V. Broek op Langedijk (The Netherlands).
In case of any further questions, please send an email to