Japanese collaboration partners
News of December 8, 2017
On December 7 and 8, 2017 a ceremonial workshop took place at the HZDR aiming at enhancing collaboration between the HZDR and the two following scientific institutions from Japan:
- Kansai Photon Science Institute (KPSI) at National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)
- Institute of Laser Engineering (ILE) at Osaka University.
Within the frame of a two-day scientific workshop two Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) were signed. For KPSI, Prof. Tetsuya Kawachi, Director General, signed the MOU between HZDR and his institution, the MOU between HZDR and ILE was signed by Prof. Ryosuke Kodama, Director of ILE at Osaka University.
The workshop was organized by the HZDR researcher Prof. Hideaki Takabe. He received support from Dr. Nicholas Hartley and Anne Varga from the HZDR Institute of Radiation Research.
Workshop program:
- Welcome: Roland Sauerbrey, HZDR Scientific Director
- Overviews: Tetsuya Kawachi, KPSI Director General; Ryosuke Kodama, ILE Director; Tomas Cowan, Director HZDR Institute of Radiation Physics
- Laser development:
1: Hiromitsu Kiriyama and Stefan Bock, Ti:sapphire based High intensity lasers at QST and HZDR and future developments
2: Mathias Siebold, PENELOPE – a direct diode-pumped high intensity laser
3: Junji Kawanaka, Development of high-power laser systems - Target fabrication: Irene Principe, Yuji Fukuda, and Martin Rehwald, Targets for high repetition rate experiments
- MOU signing ceremony: Roland Sauerbrey (HZDR), Tetsuya Kawachi (KPSI) and Ryosuke Kodama (ILE)
- HED, WDM physics and collaboration of HiBEF and SACLA:
1: Dominik Kraus, WDM research at HZDR and in Germany
2: Nicholas Hartley, HED at SACLA: Current and Future Capabilities
3: Melanie Rödel, Probing Laser Experiments with SAXS at XFELs - Laser-ion acceleration:
1: Akifumi Yogo (ILE), Boosting ion acceleration with multi-picosecond pulses
2: Mamiko Nishiuchi (KPSI), Status of the laser-driven ion research at KPSI for possible Applications, challenges and future prospects
3: Karl Zeil (HZDR), Optimization of laser-driven ion beams for applications - status, challenges
4: Thomas Kluge (HZDR), PIC simulations for laser-driven ion acceleration optimization
5: Josefine Metzkes-Ng (HZDR), Potential collaborations between the partners
6: Discussion - Laser-electron acceleration:
1: Masaki Kando (KPSI), Laser-electron accelerator development towards compact XFEL
2: Tamonao Hosokai (ILE), Wakefield electron acceleration
3: Arie Irman (HZDR), Laser plasma electron acceleration at HZDR
4: Alexander Debus (HZDR), Advanced diagnostics for laser plasma electron accelerators
5: Arie Irman/Alexander Debus, Potential projects between the partners
6: Discussion
- Laboratory astrophysics:
1: Youichi Sakawa (ILE), Weibel instability mediated collisionless shock experiments on OMEGA and NIF
2: Alexander Pelka (HZDR), Experimental study of accretion processes in binary stars by combining laser-generated plasma flows with an external magnetic field at LULI2000
3: Frank Stefani (HZDR), Liquid metal experiments on dynamo action and magnetorotational instability
4: Discussion - Theory and computation:
1: Yasuhiko Sentoku, Kinetic Modeling of XFEL-driven HED Physics"
2: Michael Bussmann (HZDR), From warm to hot: Computational and conceptional challenges in modeling HED-Physics at XFELs
3: Discussion