News of July 23, 2018
High-field terahertz community gathered in Hamburg for the Joint FLASH/TELBE Terahertz User Meeting
Recent upgrades of the FLASH and TELBE terahertz end stations were presented and future developments discussed in dedicated oral and poster sessions.
30 Participants from 11 institutes and universities from across Europe gathered in Hamburg for the 2018 Joint FLASH/TELBE Terahertz User Meeting on July 20, 2018. TELBE at the ELBE Center for High-Power Radiation Sources at HZDR and the terahertz sources at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY are the world-wide first superradiant terahertz user facilities and have very complementary parameters.
While the TELBE facility provides high pulse energies in the lower terahertz frequency range between 0.1 and 1.2 THz, the FLASH terahertz pulses provide high pulse energies in the higher frequency range above 1 THz. The user communities of both facilities informed themselves on the most recent instrumental developments and discussed future upgrades and upgrade plans such as the currently discussed Dresden Advanced Light Infrastructure (DALI) facility at HZDR.
Proposals for experiments at TELBE: October 22, 2018
Applications for experiments at the TELBE facility can be submitted every half year. The next deadline for submission of beamtime applications for the 2nd term of 2018 is on October 22, 2018.
(Michael Gensch)
Further information:
Dr. Michael Gensch
Head of the High-field THz Driven Phenomena group
Institute of Radiation Research
Phone + 49 351 260-2464