News of June 7, 2019
European Forum gathers ERC-grantees in Dresden
The Helmholtz Association hosts the first European Forum for Science, Research and Innovation in Dresden on June 25. At the one-day event at the Hygiene Museum, grant recipients of the European Research Council (ERC) from the Czech Republic, Poland and Saxony will present the latest findings from their projects. The scientific symposium is divided in four thematic areas:
- Environment
- Health
- Material Sciences
- Data and information
“The Forum aims to strengthen the Central European Research Area and to initiate new collaborations between researchers from the three regions“, explains Prof. Roland Sauerbrey, the Scientific Director at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, which organizes the conference. “The event offers a good opportunity to get in contact with ERC grant recipients and to network – especially for PhD students and postdocs.”
The participation is free. The full program and registration can be found at
Basic information
What: European Forum for Science, Research and Innovation – scientific symposium featuring grant recipients of the European Research Council
Areas: Health, Materials Science, Environment, Data and Information
When: June 25, 2019; 9 am – 5 pm
Where: Hygiene-Museum Dresden
Organizers: Helmholtz Association / Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Simon Schmitt | Science editor
Phone: +49 351 260-3400 | Mail: