
Porträt Dr. Körösi, Veronika; FSCC

Dr. Veronika Körösi

Head Career Cen­ter for Doctoral Researchers & Postdocs
Phone: +49 351 260 2306

Business Career Track

Would you like to...

...receive information about the non-academic job market?
...get in contact with potential future employers in industry at an early stage? up a network of contacts with potential future employers?
...expand your own interdisciplinary competence portfolio for business, R&D and entrepreneurship?

Then this is the right place for you!

Our Offers:

Get in Contact! ... with companies or organizations of the private and public sector

The Postdoc Center offers postdocs the opportunity to get to know companies and organizations of the private and public sector and build up a network outside of the academic world within their contract at the HZDR and as an internship of up to 3 months. The purpose of this stay is career orientation between science and industry / technology transfer / public sector, in the sense of a non-scientific qualification. Are you interested? Then register here.

Company visits / Organizational hospitations

Company Visit for half a day, including a guided tour of the company, discussion rounds with people from HR, management and specialist departments on working atmosphere, career options and job application. Dates and further information can be found here.

Training on the job as a sideline

Would you like to play an active role in the transfer of research results to the business world? Would you like to learn how to approach customers and negotiate with them? Or do you love to potter around and would like to develop an innovative product even further? The HZDR Innovation GmbH offers scientists a part-time job for various tasks. Further information is available here.

WOL Circles with company representatives

Making progress week by week toward a goal you've set for yourself? Build a larger network around the goal? Develop new skills, habits and a mindset that can be applied to any goal?

With 4-5 people, including business. 1 hour per week over a 12 week period. We provide the (virtual) space and arrange Circle Guides. Interested? Then please send an email to: