Training Program

With our (further) training program, we support you as an early-stage researcher in successfully mastering the current phase of your academic career and in preparing for the next steps in your career. The focus is on the development of interdisciplinary skills and key qualifications as well as personal development.

...for Doctoral Researchers:

  • Coordination & Management
  • Communication & Networking
  • Scientific Publishing
  • Career Development & Innovation

Please register for each offer separately.

...for Supervisors:

  • Leadership Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Good Scientific Practice

Please register for each offer separately.

...for Postdocs:

  • Skills for Scientific Research & Science Communication
  • Professional in Science/Research Management
  • Leadership & Management Skills
  • Career Development & Innovation

Please register for each offer separately. 

For postdocs: In addition to these offers you can also participate in the qualification program of the Graduate Academy of the TU Dresden. In this case, please send an e-mail with your request for a workshop/training/seminar and its date to

Important notes

1. Registrations for our (further) training program is possible on this website on a first-come, first-served basis (with the exception of the Graduate Academy's qualification program).

2. The number of courses available is limited to 4 per year.

3. Your place is not reserved until you receive confirmation from us by e-mail.

4. If you are no longer able to attend a course for which you have already registered, please inform us immediately, but no later than 10 working days in advance, by e-mail to

5. In the event of an unexcused absence, we are obliged to inform your supervisor and charge you for the cost of your participation.

6. Upon successful completion of a course, you will receive a certificate of participation.