
Porträt Dr. Göttling, Janine; FSCC

Photo: Detlev Müller

Dr. Janine Göttling

Career Counselling Academia and Science Management
Postdoc Cen­ter HZDR-TUD
Phone: +49 351 260 2204

More Information


Career track Academia

Have you always worked in science so far? Are you (still) aiming for an academic career? Have you already decided on a career in academia or are you still facing this decision? Or do you want to check whether you are still on the right track despite your years of experience in academia?

We can support you particularly

  • in acquiring skills for a further career in science,
  • in developing an independent academic profile, and 
  • with an offer for a possible expansion of your own interdisciplinary competence portfolio.

With regard to the challenges that have to be mastered due to the framework conditions of the system in academia, a number of questions arise: How can I best publish? How can I incorporate a stay abroad during my postdoc phase? How can I expand and use my networks? Is my teaching experience enough? How do I put a proposal idea on paper in order to acquire third-party funding? What other qualifications do I need to be able to work?

Our offer

We help you to answer these and other questions about a career in academia. Feel free to make an appointment via email to We would be happy to advise you!