Press release of September 17, 2022
Large-scale exercise successfully completed
Dresden fire brigade simulated forest fire at the Rossendorf research site
The Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the state capital Dresden rehearsed a crisis situation on the campus in Rossendorf on Saturday, September 17, 2022. During the large-scale exercise, the Dresden fire brigade and the plant fire brigade of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) fought a fictitious forest fire under the special conditions of the research site.
The exercise, which involved around 100 emergency personnel, began at around 9 a.m. The focus was primarily on the interaction between the operational management level on site and the fire brigade as well as police, the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus and the responsible government agencies.
For this purpose, a forest fire was simulated in the eastern part of the research site. The entire exercise went as planned and without incident.
In the aftermath, both the processes of the large-scale exercise and the cooperation of the emergency forces involved are being comprehensively evaluated in order to ensure that they can act in the best possible way in case of an actual emergency.
Media contact:
Simon Schmitt | Head
Communications and Media Relations at HZDR
Phone: +49 351 260 3400 | Mobile: +49 175 874 2865 | Email: