Deceptively critical sphalerite

Foto: Kolloform gebänderter, hellbrauner bis dunkelbrauner Sphalerit mit grauem Markasit (FeS2) und Bleiglanz aus Olkusz, Polen. ©Copyright: HIF/Max Frenzel

Colloform banded, tan to dark brown sphalerite with grey marcasite (FeS2) and galena from Olkusz, Poland.

Source: HIF/Max Frenzel


Sphalerite is a common zinc and iron sulfide and occurs in a wide variety of geological settings. In the recently published article in Nature Geoscience, Max Frenzel and Sam Thiele discuss how sphalerite, which can incorporate a range of elements, is used to explore ore-forming environments. Springer Nature Geoscience is a monthly multidisciplinary journal that brings together cutting-edge research from across the spectrum of the geosciences, as well as relevant work from related fields. 

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