Biannual Report January 1998 - June 1999

The Project Group ESRF-Beamline publishes a bi-annual report. The report contains extended contributions of selected investigations, a list of all experiments performed at ROBL, and the Experimental Reports. This report was published in September 1999 as FZR-275.


During the last years the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf has built its own synchrotron radiation beamline called ROBL (= ROssendorf BeamLine) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. ROBL is one of ten CRG-beamlines (CRG = collaborating research group). This implies that ROBL is fully financed by the FZR during the investment phase as well as in the current operation phase. The inauguration of ROBL took place on June 8, 1998. Since the fall of 1998 ROBL is running with scheduled experiments.

ROBL has two experimental end-stations operating alternatively, using the same X-ray optics. One station is the Radiochemistry Hutch (RCH) and the other the Materials Research Hutch (MRH). A more detailed description of the equipment is given in the first contribution of this report.

ROBL was built and is operated by the Project Group ESRF-Beamline of the FZR. This group consists of scientists, engineers and technicians of the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, the Institute of Radiochemistry and the Central Department Experimental Facilities and Information Technology. The Department of Safety and Radiation Protection of the VKTA (Verein für Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik) gave a strong support for the development of the safety instrumentation of the RCH.

The beamtime is used by 2/3 from the FZR and collaborating institutes. The other 1/3 available beamtime is scheduled by the ESRF for peer-reviewed experiments.

This is the first activity report of ROBL, with the report number FZR-275. It is intended to publish every two years such a report. The report is organised in three main parts. The first part contains extended contributions on results already obtained at ROBL. The second part gives an overview about the scheduled experiments, a list of guests having visited ROBL for test experiments and some other information. Finally, the third part collects the experimental reports of the users received until end of August 1999.

Dr. W. Matz
Head of the Project Group ESRF-Beamline
Spokesman of the ROBL-CRG


Title and Authors Size in kB
ROBL - the ROssendorf BeamLine at the ESRF
W. Matz, N. Schell, G. Bernhard, F. Prokert, T. Reich, J. Claußner, W. Oehme, R. Schlenk, S. Dienel, H. Funke, F. Eichhorn, M. Betzl, D. Pröhl, U. Strauch, G. Hüttig, H. Krug, W. Neumann, V. Brendler, P. Reichel
Silicon implanted with carbon ions: SiC crystallite formation and strain in Si
F. Eichhorn, N. Schell, W. Matz, R. Kögler
Fold of a buried relief in epitaxially grown Nb layers
T. Edelmann, S. Schmid, F. Berberich, N. Schell
Determination of radionuclide speciation in aqueous solutions by EXAFS spectroscopy
T. Reich, L. Baraniak, G. Bernhard, H. Funke, G. Geipel, C. Hennig, A. Roßberg
Solution coordination chemistry of uranium in the binary UO22+-SO42- and the ternary UO22+-SO42 -OH- system, a combined EXAFS and 17O NMR study
H. Moll, T. Reich, C. Hennig, A. Rossberg, Z. Szabó, I. Grenthe



The following tables list up the experiments performed in the reporting period. From the tables one can also extract the collaborating institutions using the experimental possibilities of ROBL.

The experimental reports were provided by the applicants of the research. The responsibility for the communicated results is at the users, ROBL made only minor changes concerning exclusively the layout. All reports received until September 1999 are reproduced here.

Scheduled experiments at the radiochemistry end-station and experimental reports

Scheduled experiments at the materials research end-station and experimental reports

Guests at ROBL

Additionally to the above mentioned experimentators for scheduled experiments, here guest are listed who came to test experiments. Informal visitors are not included.

Name Institution
Dr. K. Richter
Dr. D. Meyer
Technical University Dresden, Institute of Crystallography and Solid State Physics
Dr. J. Rinderknecht Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Saxony, Dresden
Prof. A. Mkrtchyan
Dr. V. Mirzoyan
Dr. A. Mkrtchyan
Institute of Applied Problems of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan
Dr. W. Wagner Institute of Nuclear and Hadronic Physics, FZ Rossendorf
Dr. T. Halm
J. Nomssi
Technical University Chemnitz, Institute of Physics
Prof. G. Bauer Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, Austria
Dr. P. Høghøj Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France


Personnel of the Project Group ESRF-Beamline

The project group has no direct positions. The personnel comes from different institutes and departments of the FZR.

Head of the Project Group / Spokesman of the CRG: Dr. W. Matz
Local contact at ESRF and responsible for MRH: Dr. N. Schell
Responsible for RCH at ESRF and for radiation protection: Dr. T. Reich
Staff at ESRF in Grenoble
Dr. Ch. Hennig (2005) F. Berberich (2371)
Dr. N. Schell (2367) A. Roßberg (2372)
Dr. T. Reich (2339) U. Strauch (2372)

Postal address:

ROBL-CRG Phone: +33 4 76 88 xx xx
ESRF / PLUO E 217 Fax: +33 4 76 88 25 05
BP 220 e-mail:
F-38043 Grenoble Cedex, France
FZR - personnel working at ROBL

Institute for Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

Dr. M. Betzl W. Boede A. Höfgen
Dr. F. Eichhorn J. Kreher J. Noetzel
Dr. W. Matz P. Reichel  
Dr. F. Prokert    

Institute of Radiochemistry

Dr. L. Baraniak Dr. G. Geipel M. Rutsch
Dr. G. Bernhard Dr. K.-H. Heise Dr. S. Pompe
Dr. V. Brendler G. Hüttig Dr. K. Schmeide
Dr. H. Funke Dr. P. Merker S. Amayri

Institute of Bioanorganic and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry

Dr. S. Seifert J.-U. Künstler

Central Department Experimental Facilities and Information Technology

J. Claußner W. Neumann T. Riedel
S. Dienel Dr. W. Oehme D. Boden
H. Hauck Dr. D. Pröhl B. Caspar
Dr. H. Krug R. Schlenk S. Winkelmann
    Y. Zimmermann