The Works Council in HZDR

What is a Works Council?

  • The Works Council is the representation of all employees in a company.
  • The main task is to ensure the abidance of laws, Collective Agreements, and Employment Agreements.
  • The work is founded in the Betriebsverfassungsgesetz.
  • The Works Council is independent.
  • Employees elect the Works Council.

What is a Works Committee?

The members of a Works Council elect the Works Committee. The Works Committee is the executive staff of a Works Council. The Works Council can delegate tasks as per resolution or specified in the rules of procedere.

The Works Council has to confirm or assist in:

  • Each hire, salary change, or relocation of employees,
  • Each dismissal,
  • Regulation of work and break time,
  • The use of technical devices which suitable to observe the behavior or activities of employees,
  • Arrangement of working places and work flows,
  • Questions about salaries in a company,
  • Organizing trainings in a company,
  • Regulation of social-compensation plan

The Works Council has to apply for measures to the employer, which serve the company and the employees, receives suggestions from the employees, and, when disputes arise, works towards a settlement through negotiations with the employer. The Works Committee also promotes the hiring and integration of persons with disabilities.

General Works Council

If there is more than one Works Council in a company, a General Works Council has to be set up. It is responsible for matters of all locations of a company, which can not be handled by local Works Councils. Since 2014, in HZDR there is one Works Council in Rossendorf and one in Freiberg. Dr. Anke Richter was elected as the chairwoman of our General Works Council.

Contact HZDR

Chairwoman: Dr. Anke Richter Tel.: 0351 / 260 3039 or 2426
House 104 (library) room 204
Secretary: Manuela Grübner Tel.: 0351 / 260 3689
House 104 (library) room 212

Contact HIF

Dr. Sabine Kutschke
Anne-Kristin Jentzsch
Tel.: 0351 / 260 2151 or 4421
Tel.: 0351 / 260 4429