Emergency Information

Emergency call: 112, use +49 351 260 112 with your mobile

  1. Stay calm!
  2. Where did it happen?
  3. What happened?
  4. How many person are involved?
  5. What kind of injuries?
  6. Wait for questions!

First responder in building

Location of AED (Automatic External Defibrilator)

Dresden Bldg. 110, F203 (Foyer)
Bldg. 117, 6 (Garage) Bldg. 117, 6 (Garage)
Bldg. 240, F104 (Flur)
Bldg. 251, FE1 (Flur)
Bldg. 540, F101 (Flur)
Bldg. 551, F107 (Flur)
Bldg. 620, F102 (Flur)
Bldg. 710, FE4 (Flur) 3245
Bldg. 770, F101 (Flur)
Bldg. 801, F101 (Flur)
Bldg. 805, F101 (Flur) 4098
Freiberg: Geb. F 100 - Erdgeschoss Kopierraum Tel. 4430
Leipzig: Geb. 2 - Kantine, Eingangsbereich