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International Science Conference "Building Bridges for the Next Generations" on "Net Zero" in Dresden

Press Release of 22.05.2024

On May 27-28, 2024, approximately 350 researchers from Saxony and numerous European countries, along with leading representatives from politics, industry, and society, will gather for the international conference "Building Bridges for the Next Generations." This year's theme, "Net Zero", focuses on the grand goal of climate neutrality and related research areas such as microelectronics, sustainable construction, hydrogen technology, artificial intelligence, and nuclear fusion. Guests and media representatives will have the opportunity to network with colleagues and stakeholders.

Foto: Einweihung des Zyklotrons an der HZDR-Forschungsstelle in Leipzig ©Copyright: Dr. Christine Zimmermann

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Foto: Ansprechpartner ©Copyright: HZDR

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Foto: Ion Implantation ©Copyright: HZDR/Frank Bierstedt

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Foto: Broschüren am HZDR ©Copyright: HZDR


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Foto: Event at HZDR ©Copyright: Oliver Killig

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Foto: Tag des offenen Labors 2018 - "Kein Wunder: Wissenschaft" ©Copyright: Detlev Müller

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Foto: Besuch europäischer Parlamentarier am 9. Mai 2013 ©Copyright: Oliver Killig

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Foto: In the Media (illustration picture) ©Copyright: gemeinfrei

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