
Jann Schöngart

Reakti­ver Transport
Tel.: +49 351 260 4658

Ph.D. projects

Reactive PET tracers for multiple geomaterials

Ph.D. student:

Jann Schöngart


PD Dr. Cornelius Fischer (HZDR)


Reactive Transport



The collaborative research project RENA aims to develop a concept for ex situ bioremediation of contaminated soils. Jann's PhD project within RENA aims to develop and benchmark several conservative and reactive tracers for positron emission tomography (PET). These radiotracers, either used alone or as part of a reactive/conservative tracer pair, will be employed to gain insight into contaminant retention and mobilization processes in geomaterials such as soil and rock. Since the samples under investigation in these experiments have densities and geometries that are different from those of the samples used in established PET methods, the radiophysical aspects of the tracers employed are also of critical importance. In collaboration with the other project partners, tomographic studies of radionuclide uptake in plants are also planned. Relevant parts of the bioremediation process to be investigated with a tomographic approach include the retention on mineral phases, mobilization by changing the chemical environment represented by root exsudates, and finally uptake and translocation in plants. The tracers developed in this PhD project will be tested for radiophysical feasibility for use in PET, as well as benchmarked as elemental or chemical analogs for contaminants in geomaterials. The work will mainly focus on establishing tracers for use in reactive transport (tomography) studies. The isotopes to be used will act as analogues for contaminants important in nuclear safety, such as 60Co and 90Sr.