Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Source data: Enhanced ion acceleration from transparency-driven foils demonstrated at two ultraintense laser facilities

Dover, N. P.; Ziegler, T.; Assenbaum, S.; Bernert, C.; Bock, S.; Brack, F.-E.; Cowan, T.; Ditter, E. J.; Garten, M.; Gaus, L.; Göthel, I.; Hicks, G. S.; Kiriyama, H.; Kluge, T.; Koga, J. K.; Kon, A.; Kondo, K.; Kraft, S.; Kroll, F.; Lowe, H. F.; Metzkes-Ng, J.; Miyatake, T.; Najmudin, Z.; Püschel, T.; Rehwald, M.; Reimold, M.; Sakaki, H.; Schlenvoigt, H.-P.; Shiokawa, K.; Umlandt, M. E. P.; Schramm, U.; Zeil, K.; Nishiuchi, M.


This dataset contains all source data used to generate figures and all other findings of the publication: " Enhanced ion acceleration from transparency-driven foils demonstrated at two ultraintense laser facilities".

Involved research facilities

  • Draco

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