
Julia Blöcker

Sekretariat/ Administration
fwh-sek@hzdr.de, j.bloeckerAthzdr.de
Tel.: +49 351 260 3527

Nicole Zimmermann

fwh-sek@hzdr.de, n.zimmermannAthzdr.de
Tel.: +49 351 260 3535

Next Call

Launch: October 15th, 2024

Deadline: November 15th, 2024

Here you find the online proposal form.

Further Information

Magnet Specification

Type of magnets

So far, we operate ten magnets (A-, B-, D-, E-type) for our users. Here (PDF) you find detailed information about our Pulsed-Magnet-Development Program.

Magnet Maximum Field [T] Pulse duration [ms] Magnet bore [mm]

A connected to FIR facility


150 24
B 70 150 24, 20
C 85, 95 10 16, 12
D 65 25 20, 16
E 51 75 24, 20

The magnets are regularly operated to a few T below these maximum fields. Depending on the scientific case, fields closer to the maximum amplitude might be possible.

Übersicht Magnete im HLD 2011