Measurement techniques for liquid metal flows

Measurement techniques for liquid metal flows

Cramer, A.; Eckert, S.; Gerbeth, G.

Commerical Measuring Techniques for Liquid Metal Flows (MTLMF) are hardly available. The reason for this deficiency has to be sought in the properties of the metallic melts (opaqueness, heat capacity), high temperatures, chemical reactivity, interfacial effects, and sensitivity to electromagnetic noise. Therefore, embodyments of MTLMF are primarily to be found on a laboratory scale.

Velocity measuring techniques may be distinguished using the influence they exert on the flow as a criterion. The local probes, e.g. electric potential probes and mechano-optical sensors, are invasive. Ultrasonic methods, the most prominent member of which is Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry (UDV), may on the one hand not be termed invasive - but on the other hand still need contact. Examples of contact-less techniques are the inductive methods (inductive flowmeters, Contact-less Inductive Flow Tomography (CIFT)) and X-ray radiography.

Leaving aside local probes and X-ray techniques, the present lecture reports on the state of the art of UDV and CIFT. Exemplary investigations in our lab are discussed, showing limitations and future challenges of both these non-invasive MTLMFs.

  • Lecture (others)
    AMPERE meeting, 10.-11.07.2007, Paris, France
