Status of the Penning trap project in Munich

Status of the Penning trap project in Munich

Szerypo, J.; Kolhinen, V.; Bussmann, M.; Gartzke, E.; Habs, D.; Neumayr, J.; Schramm, U.; Schürmann, C.; Sewtz, M.; Thirolf, P.

The MLLTRAP at the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratory (Garching) is a new Penning trap facility designed to combine several novel technologies to decelerate, charge breed, cool, bunch and purify the reaction products and perform high-accuracy nuclear and atomic mass measurements. It is now in the commissioning phase, achieving a mass-resolving power of about 105 in the purification trap for stable ions.

Keywords: penning trap; cooling; purification; mass spectrometry; highly charged ions
