The "n+1" mixed ligand approach in the design of specific technetium radiopharmaceuticals: Potentials and problems.

The "n+1" mixed ligand approach in the design of specific technetium radiopharmaceuticals: Potentials and problems.

Spies, H.; Pietzsch, H.-J.; Johannsen, B.

Investigations concerning the "n+1" concept for the preparation of mixed-ligand technetium and rhenium complexes are briefly summarized. Chemical extensions were made with the aim to get less lipophilic and more stable chelates and involve the search of new precursor molecules, alternative types of tridentate ligands and new synthetic routes. N.c.a. preparation of "3+1" complexes can be done either by ligand exchange at Tc gluconate or in one step starting from pertechnetate. Aspects of reactivity are briefly discussed, particularly the reaction with glutathione in vivo. "n+1" complexes were preferably used for the design of receptor-binding tracers showing that the "3+1" unit seems to be well-suited to be adapted to receptor-affine anchor groups.

  • Book (Authorship)
    Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Editied by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGE Editoriali Padova (1999) pp. 101-108
