Afterglow of the dynamical Schwinger process: soft photons amass

Afterglow of the dynamical Schwinger process: soft photons amass

Otto, A.; Kämpfer, B.

We consider the conversion of an electric field into photons as a secondary probe of the dynamical Schwinger process. In spatially homogeneous electric fields, quantum fluctuations of electron-positron (e+e−) pairs are lifted on the mass shell leaving asymptotically a small finite pair density. The e+e− dynamics in turn couples to the quantized photon field and drives its on-shell mode occupation. The spectral properties of the emerging asymptotic photons accompanying the Schwinger process are calculated in lowest-order perturbation theory. Soft photons in the optical range are produced amass in the sub critical region, thus providing a promising discovery avenue, e.g.\ for laser parameters of the Extreme Light Initiative (ELI-NP) to be put in operation soon.

