Deep Learning Ensemble for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Deep Learning Ensemble for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Chen, Y.; Wang, Y.; Gu, Y.; He, X.; Ghamisi, P.; Jia, X.

Deep learning models, especially deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have been intensively investigated for hyperspectral image (HSI) classification due to their powerful feature extraction ability. In the same manner, ensemble-based learning systems have demonstrated high potential to effectively perform supervised classification. In order to boost the performance of deep learning-based HSI classification, the idea of deep learning ensemble framework is proposed here, which is loosely based on the integration of deep learning model and random subspace-based ensemble learning. Specifically, two deep learning ensemble-based classification methods (i.e., CNN ensemble and deep residual network ensemble) are proposed. CNNs or deep residual networks are used as individual classifiers and random subspaces contribute to diversify the ensemble system in a simple yet effective manner. Moreover, to further improve the classification accuracy, transfer learning is investigated in this study to transfer the learnt weights from one individual classifier to another (i.e., CNNs). This mechanism speeds up the learning stage. Experimental results with widely used hyperspectral datasets indicate that the proposed deep learning ensemble system provides competitive results compared with state-of-the-art methods in terms of classification accuracy. The combination of deep learning and ensemble learning provides a significant potential for reliable HSI classification.

