Teaching ML workshop at ECML/PKDD - 2 years in, 3 thoughts out

Teaching ML workshop at ECML/PKDD - 2 years in, 3 thoughts out

Steinbach, P.; Kinnaird, K. M.; Guhr, O.

As a co-organizer of the Teaching Machine Learning Workshop at ECMLPKDD, I'd like to share our experience in striving to host a mixture of communities to share and discuss advances in teaching of ML to any level of prior knowledge.

What was thought of a small event on the European level, has now become an event at international scale. I'll distill essential outcomes that have relevance to Helmholtz.

This presentation was delivered at the TEACH conference:


Keywords: machine learning; teaching; training; data science; artificial intelligence; conference; didactics

  • Open Access Logo Lecture (Conference) (Online presentation)
    TEACH - Talk about Education Across Communities in Helmholtz, 07.-10.12.2021, virtuell, Deutschland
    DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.17134580.v1

Permalink: https://www.hzdr.de/publications/Publ-33548