Using neutrons and x rays to measure plasma conditions in a solid sphere of deuterated polyethylene compressed to densities of 35 g/cc at temperatures of 2 keV and pressures of 40 Gbar

Using neutrons and x rays to measure plasma conditions in a solid sphere of deuterated polyethylene compressed to densities of 35 g/cc at temperatures of 2 keV and pressures of 40 Gbar

Nilsen, J.; Bachmann, B.; Zimmerman, G. B.; Hatarik, R.; Döppner, T.; Swift, D. C.; Hawreliak, J.; Collins, G. W.; Falcone, R. W.; Glenzer, S. H.; Kraus, D.; Landen, O. L.; Castor, J. I.; Whitley, H. D.; Kritcher, A. L.

This paper describes an experiment that shock compresses the center of a solid deuterated polyethylene sphere, CD2, to densities of 35 g/cc and temperatures of 2 keV with corresponding pressure of 40 Gbar. The design employs a strong spherically converging shock launched through a solid ball of material using a Hohlraum radiation drive. As the shock coalesces at the center it produces a hot spot that we
characterize by measuring the x-ray self-emission and 2.45MeV neutrons emitted. Two-dimensional images and time-resolved measurements of the x rays emitted determine the size and time duration of the hot spot, leading to an estimated 2 keV electron temperature. The neutron time of flight spectrometer measures an average ion temperature of 1.06 +/- 0.15 keV and neutron yield of 7.0 (+/-0.5) x 10^9 DD neutrons. Our new distribution function tool enables us to create a forward model of the experimental data based on 1D radiation-hydrodynamic simulations, leading to a better understanding of the plasma conditions that produce the measured neutrons and x rays. Our simulations indicate that the x rays are produced in a short-lived hot-dense core over tens of picoseconds, whereas the neutron emission continues for about 200 ps, as the hot core starts to expand, thereby leading to a lower mean temperature of the plasma during neutron production. This finding is in agreement with the experimental data, and we therefore conclude that the forward-modeling is a useful tool forinferring the conditions of the hot spot in a laser-driven implosion during burn.

