Synthesis of [1,2-14C]Trichloroacetic acid

Synthesis of [1,2-14C]Trichloroacetic acid

Bubner, M.; Fuksora, K.; Matucha, M.; Heise, K.-H.; Bernhard, G.

Modern trends in investigating the phytotoxic effects of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) have initiated an actual interest in [1,2-14C]TCA with specific activities > 3.7 GBq/mmol. One-pot synthesis starting from potassium [1,2-14C]acetate yielding 80% of [1,2-14C]TCA is described. The specific activity of the product corresponds to that of the potassium or sodium [1,2-14C]acetate and the radiochemical purity is higher than 98%. The synthesis method is usable for the synthesis scale < 1 mmol.

Keywords: Key Words: [1; 2-14C]trichloroacetic acid; one-pot synthesis

  • Labelled Comp. Radiopharm
