Static Quadrupole Moment of the Five-Quasiparticle K=35/2 Isomer in 179W Studied with the Level-Mixing Spectroscopy Method

Static Quadrupole Moment of the Five-Quasiparticle K=35/2 Isomer in 179W Studied with the Level-Mixing Spectroscopy Method

Balabanski, D. L.; Vyvey, K.; Neyens, G.; Coulier, N.; Coussement, R.; Georgiev, G.; Lépine-Szily, A.; Ternier, S.; Teughels, S.; Mineva, M.; Walker, P. M.; Blaha, P.; Almehed, D.; Frauendorf, S.

The spectroscopic quadrupole moment of the high-spin, high-K five-quasiparticle isomer (Kπ=[(35-)/2], T1/2=750(80) ns, Ei = 3349 keV) in 179W has been determined using the level mixing spectroscopy method.
A value Qs = 4.00([(+0.83) || (-1.06)])e b was derived, which corresponds to an intrinsic quadrupole moment Q0 = 4.73([(+0.98) || (-1.25)])e b and to a quadrupole deformation β2 = 0.185([(+0.038) || (-0.049)]).
These values differ significantly from the deduced ground-state quadrupole moments and are in disagreement with the current theoretical predictions in this mass region.
