Molecular analysis of bacterial populations in water samples from two uranium mill tailings by using a RISA retrieval

Molecular analysis of bacterial populations in water samples from two uranium mill tailings by using a RISA retrieval

Radeva, G.; Selenska-Pobell, S.

A ribosomal intergenic spacer amplification (RISA) retrieval was applied to analyze the natural bacterial communities in drain waters of two uranium mill tailings - Gittersee/Coschütz in Germany and Shiprock in the USA. About 35% of the clones from the RISA library constructed for the samples of the German tailings represented a microdiverse population of Planctomycetales. The rest of the clones were affiliated with rather diverse bacterial groups including g- and d- Proteobacteria, Cytophaga/Flavobacterium/Bacteroides (CFB), Nitrospira, Verrucomicrobia and Actinobacteria. 8% of the cloned sequences represented a novel bacterial lineage from the recently described division NC3.
Bacterial diversity in the Shiprock mill tailings was found to be significantly lower. The RISA library constructed for those samples contained only two larger groups of clones, representing b-proteobacterial species and one small group, which was affiliated with d-Proteobacteria.

  • Comptes Rendues de l´Academie bulgare des Sciences 57(2004)6, 111-115
