The Helmholtz SIMS Network: Cooperation at Multiple Scales

The Helmholtz SIMS Network: Cooperation at Multiple Scales

Renno, A. D.; Merchel, S.; Akhmadaliev, S.; Rugel, G.; Ziegenrücker, R.; Döbeli, M.; Richnow, H.-H.; Wiedenbeck, M.


Super-SIMS - also called Accelerator-SIMS or Trace Element Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (TEAMS) - is an ultrasensitive analytical method for the determination of stable elements and isotopes. A Super-SIMS-Set-up is now under installation at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) ion beam centre where we are connecting a conventional SIMS-source (Cameca IMS 6f, formerly installed at the GFZ Potsdam, currently upgraded to a 7f-Auto) to a 6 MV tandem accelerator (Akhmadaliev et al., 2013). A similar set-up has been operated by the ETH Zurich for several years (Maden, 2003).
Due to the acceleration of the extracted sample ions to MeV-energies and their charge reversal from negative to positive ions, Super-SIMS can reach about 2 to 3 orders of magnitude lower detection limits (down to 10-12 or ppt, highly depending on analyte and matrix) as conventional SIMS.
The HZDR Super-SIMS will be part of the Helmholtz-SIMS-Network, called SIGMA, which is currently being developed. Other partners are the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig (NanoSIMS & TOF-SIMS currently under installation) and the GFZ Potsdam (High-resolution 1280-HR SIMS under installation). Thus, extensive knowledge exchange will assure the optimal environment for optimizing our highly sophisticated accelerator set-up running. Later, easy access for international users from research institutes from e.g. Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa is planned within SIGMA.
Funding from an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) from the European Commission within Horizon 2020 will be applied for; this would allow Trans-National Access (TNA) to both Super-SIMS facilities in Dresden and Zurich. An independent User Selection Panel will examine user proposals for TNA. After receiving a positive evaluation, European users can obtain free access to the Super-SIMS-facilities including logistical, scientific and technical support, and travel and accommodation grants. ETH Zurich and HZDR will widen their already established joint research activities from the I3-project SPIRIT (Möller, 2011) to reach the ultimate detection limits, which are possible using the Super-SIMS technique.

Keywords: Super-SIMS; AMS; accelerator-based mass spectrometry

Involved research facilities

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  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    7th Biennial Geo-SIMS Workshop, Lecture Series "SIMS: Current Strengths and Future Potential", 20.-22.08.2013, Potsdam, Deutschland


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