Preparation of PW-class laser driven radiation sources for radiation oncology and structural analysis

Preparation of PW-class laser driven radiation sources for radiation oncology and structural analysis

Schramm, U.


Over the last decade laser particle acceleration has made such progress that first applications in special fields can be envisioned. Prominent examples are radiation therapy with laser accelerated ion beams as well as the generation of pulsed X-ray sources.
In this presentation the status of the joint activities of the Dresden groups at HZDR running the high power laser Draco and at Oncoray, the national center for radiation research in oncology, will be discussed. Emphasis will be given to the energy scaling of proton bunches accelerated in the TNSA regime with and during ultra-short pulses, potential instabilities in the process, methods for online monitoring, and to the status of the ongoing upgrade of Draco to PW power level. This topic will be complemented by a presentation of the recently achieved results on X-ray generation via Thomson back-scattering.

Keywords: Laser plasma acceleration

Involved research facilities

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    Institutsseminar HI Jena, 11.12.2013, Jena, Deutschland


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