Prospective data registration and clinical trials for particle therapy in Europe

Prospective data registration and clinical trials for particle therapy in Europe

Langendijk, J.; Orrechhia, R.; Haustermans, K.; Zips, D.; Balosso, J.; Lievens, Y.; Weber, D.; Grau, C.; Troost, E.


To enhance evidence-based introduction of particle therapy in Europe, one of the work packages within the European Proton Therapy network (EPTN) will focus on uniform data registration and defining methodological criteria for phase I, II and III clinical trials. The main objective of EPTN WP1 is to establish a uniform prospective data registration program for all patients treated with particle therapy in Europe. This will be supported by EORTC through existing and new additional QA-platforms and IT-infrastructures for data collection with different formats. In addition, EPTN WP1, to enhance high quality clinical trials, EPTN-WP1 will define the requirements for high quality clinical trials and set up an infrastructure for methodological support.

Keywords: Particle therapy; PROMs; registry


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