Data publication: Epitaxial lateral overgrowth of tin spheres driven and directly observed by helium ion microscopy

Data publication: Epitaxial lateral overgrowth of tin spheres driven and directly observed by helium ion microscopy

Klingner, N.; Heinig, K.-H.; Tucholski, D.; Möller, W.; Hübner, R.; Bischoff, L.; Hlawacek, G.; Facsko, S.


Raw data for the publication: "Epitaxial lateral overgrowth of tin spheres driven and directly observed by helium ion microscopy". It contains helium ion microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy as well as gallium focused ion microscopy images and XPS data. It shows how the irradiation of tin spheres with keV He ions causes epitaxial lateral overgrowth.

Keywords: helium ion microscope; tin whisker growth; defect kinetics

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