Simulation studies of a pion production target for the Mu2e-II experiment

Simulation studies of a pion production target for the Mu2e-II experiment

Müller, S.; Ferrari, A.; Mackenzie, M.; Pronskikh, V. S.; Rachamin, R.


The Mu2e experiment, which is currently under construction at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago, will search for the neutrinoless conversion of muons to electrons in the field of an aluminum nucleus with a sensitivity four orders of magnitude better than previous experiments. This process, which violates charged lepton flavor, is highly suppressed in the Standard Model and therefore undetectable. However, scenarios for physics beyond the Standard Model predict small but observable rates.

An extension of the Mu2e experiment making use of the PIP-II
accelerator upgrade at FNAL is currently studied. The Mu2e-II experiment aims
to improve the sensitivity by at least a factor of 10 compared to Mu2e.
To achieve this, it will utilize an 800 MeV proton beam with a beam power of 100 kW hitting a production target to produce the required amount of
pions and muons. This high beam intensity requires a substantially more
advanced target design with respect to Mu2e.

We will present simulation studies for several target designs. In particular,
we will compare results for energy deposition, radiation damage and particle
yields for both the targets and the surrounding materials using the MARS15,
FLUKA2021 and GEANT4 particle transport and reaction code packages.

Keywords: Mu2e-II; FLUKA; MARS15; GEANT4; MCNP6; PHITS; Monte Carlo; Radiation Transport

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